Sunday, August 25, 2013

Busy Weekend

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."
~ Colossians 3: 16
 This was just a busy weekend.  Friday night the Roosters' former Nana came to keep them while the Colonel and I attended Blake's first football game of the season.  (I will be doing a separate post on that.)  Saturday the twins needed haircuts.  They looked like shaggy dogs.  Later Saturday evening, the boys went to their friend Wyatt's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.  It was so crowded, but the boys had a great time.  When we got home, the Colonel somehow managed to short out the electricity in my bedroom, bath, half the computer room and our den.  I don't know what he did, but he had it fixed when I got back home tonight from taking Sister home.

Today we headed to church.  Alberta (Mrs. Stewart) sang and I kid you not, I had goosebumps running up and down my body the entire time she was singing.  There was a time in the song when you thought it was the end of the piece, and then she did the refrain again and I thought I would literally come out of my seat.  There are just no words to describe that selection today except WOW!  I mean really--WOW!

After church, we had lunch at Applebee's.  We usually go out to eat for birthdays around here, but with football practice and school starting, I ended up cooking for Blake on his actual birthday.  So, today was his day to pick where he wanted to go eat and Applebee's it was.  You would have thought we were a table of eight instead of five with all the plates we had around us.  We are some eating people.

Later today I picked up Sister and we headed to WalMart to get groceries.  Headed home and Heidi helped me empty some of my container garden soil in a few holes the dogs had dug in the backyard.  I still have three tomato bushes that are still producing and my pepper plants are doing great still.  I'll miss my garden this Fall.

Speaking of fall, I noticed the Dogwood trees starting to change colors and the oak trees are starting to shed a few leaves.  It makes me sad.  I love the Fall, but knowing the leaves are dying makes me sigh. 

And below are a few photographs of this weekend.  Football pictures are not included as that will be a post tomorrow.

Nick and Wyatt

Three Roosters cruising

Is this a hint of things to come?

It was so funny to watch all four try to climb on this poor horse.

This is Wyatt's older brother Ian and two of his friends.

The Colonel in his neon shirt and Wyatt's dad, David.
Wyatt's older sister Kennedy.  She is one of the fellas.  Such a cutie.
John Ryan after church today.  He rides home with me from church because I usually beat Blake home, and John Ryan wants to ride with the one that gets home first. 

I think the only time I take my picture is on Sundays.  I hate getting my picture taken.  John Ryan practices his photo taking skills in the driveway every Sunday while we wait on Blake and the rest of the crowd to make it home.

Another cell phone picture...Hair is a little different as I got it cut Wednesday...I kept the length since winter is coming and I need something on my neck during recess duty...burr
I also think the dress I am wearing in that photo is fast becoming my favorite.  It is so comfortable.  I have about worn it out.  I wore it to the boys' Meet and Greet night, my Curriculum night and now to church today.  I better rotate it to the back of the closet for a while or I might become known as "that lady that wears the polka dots all the time."
I took this picture of the hallway at church.  I thought they wallpapered the hall but it is actually painted.  It was done with some Martha Stewart painting kit is what I was told this AM.  I thought it was so cool.

Nick adores Blake.  Blake was watching the Jets play, and Nick is looking at the TV like he is actually interested in the game.  HA!


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