Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Week in Review

Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” ~ Nehemiah 8:10
What a week!  I have been beyond tired and have definitely faced some mental challenges this week.  That feeling of defeat has been trying to rest on my shoulders and for a few days took up residence there.  However through prayer and talking with great friends, I have managed to focus on the positive and take a different look at the challenges.  Sometimes it really is just a matter of perspective. 
I selected the Bible verse above because it is on one of the bangle bracelets I wear to school.  I have worn it this past week to remind me that "God's got this." 
So, I have made it through week two with my new students.  I managed to get my own Roosters registered for their new school.  They have "Meet and Greet" night coming soon.  We went yesterday with Sister and bought school supplies and a few more uniforms so that I am not washing clothes more than I already do.  The boys each had a list and their own buggy.  Heidi was "in charge" of one and I had the other Rooster.  I realize I have no pictures of them plowing through the aisles at Target.  That is probably a good indication of just how stressed I was.  Sister and I were both floored when we went to get earbuds for the guys and the cheapest pair we could find was $9.00!!  My children will be the ones on the computers with their hands in the air telling the teacher, "I don't hear anything." 
I have been coming home every afternoon to find Blake asleep in the Colonel's chair.  One day I came home and Blake was asleep with his glasses still on.  He has had "two-a-day" practices this past week and has been totally exhausted.  He loves it though, and football is definitely his nitch in terms of a sport. 
The Colonel has been at Clark's Hill engaged in strategic planning sessions with his cohorts.  I call it retreat planning.  You know?  Mini vacation paid for by employer with "some" work being done?  The Colonel begs to differ.  I guess it is all in the point of view, huh?  HA!

And sometimes things can be better shared through a photo...

The big Rooster doing the model pose.  He was getting ready to go to some sporting even downtown with his friend Ian.  That mark on his neck is NOT a hickey (gross) but where his shoulder pads rubbed him the wrong way at Saturday morning's scrimmage.
This is a picture of that big Rooster when he was three days old.  So hard to believe that this little thing turned into that big thing! 
I can't help but laugh at this picture.  Blake is looking at Jody and he looks like he is thinking:  "Where in this world have I ended up?!"

This is also that same big Rooster at two-years-old when we lived in Estill, SC.  He insisted on doing his own make-up.  It was basically smearing red lipstick all over the side of his cheek. 

Eerie how much John Ryan looks like Blake in the above picture.  Look at those precious faces.  Oh, the destruction that those two Roosters can cause in seconds flat.  Whew!

The Roosters last night playing some game on the Wii.

And this "thing" was on the carport wall as I was getting into my car last night.  I Googled images of SC spiders and I think this is what is called a White-banded Fishing Spider.  I don't dislike spiders because I truly appreciate the role they play in insect reduction.  However, when they get to be rather large, I tend to get the shivers when I run across one.  Yes, I let him live, and yes, he was gone this AM as I headed out to church.  I left a note on the DO NOT FORGET board to "look for spider before getting into car." 

An after church picture...I love the way the black and white setting erases a few lines from the face...HA!

Just a few more weeks and I will be where these are often found...I can't wait!!
These are shells that I keep in a tray on my piano.  The large one with the starfish resting on it was actually found by my great-great grandmother.  There are two conch shells in that batch that she found. (The other one is on the right with the sand dollar on it.  You can't really see it.  My great-great grandmother found them both.) I have carried those shells every place I have ever lived.  I have always displayed them on the piano which first belonged to my great-great grandmother.  That piano is a topic for a blog post actually.  Maybe one day soon.
I hope your week has been great and that we all remember that God's grace is MORE than sufficient to carry us through the week ahead, so "do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."


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