Saturday, August 31, 2013

Making Connections

"While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." ~ John 9:5

I was reading my Sunday school lesson for tomorrow which focuses on John 1: 1-18 with the lesson title being "God Revealed."  I became totally engrossed in the section  "Welcome the Light" (John 1: 9-14)  Whenever I get caught up in my Bible study, I love to start digging around for connections.  Have you ever thought about what humans need in order to live?  Sure, you have.  You learned it in science class probably in about the second or third grade:  light (the sun because without it we would all die), air, water and food.  Think about those four things and then think about the ways Jesus is said to be all those things.  For instance, in Malachi 4:2, Jesus is referenced as "the Sun of righteousness."  In John 3:8 and 20:22 through His Holy Spirit He gives us the "breath of life."  (So far, Jesus is the sun and air!)  If you keep reading the book of John, you see that Jesus calls Himself the "living water" (John 4:10 "Jesus answered her, 'If you knew the gift of God and who is it that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.'"  Jesus continues this metaphor in John 4: 13-14)  Okay, one more to go--food.  If you read further into the book of John, you find this verse:  "I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 6: 35)  That's pretty neat isn't it? 

I thought that was pretty cool, but then I ran across something else when "studying" Jesus as "the Light."  Think about this:  God begins the creation of the earth with light.  In Genesis 1:3 God says, "Let there be light."  Christians begin their "new life" in Christ with the entrance of LIGHT into the heart of the believer. (2 Cor 4: 3-6)!! 


And don't forget what Jesus tells us to do with the light given to us:  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5: 16

Final note ~ I hope you'll all pray for the situation in Syria.  The images of the children are just horrible.  I am clinging to His word:

Friday, August 30, 2013

Girls Just Want to Shop

 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. ~ Proverbs 18:24

One night this past week, I went with neighbors and friends Gina and Elizabeth to a CAbi (Carol Ann By Invitation) showing.  Anne was having the party and thought it would be a good way to meet some of the school parents since my twins are new to the school they are attending.  I was tired but decided that it would be fun and how hard is it to sit, eat and look at clothes?  I really had a good time.  The ladies are a fun group, and it was great meeting other moms that I am sure to see in and around the school not to mention the neighborhood. 

Elizabeth (We've known each other for twenty years), Tara (She has twin girls in kindergarten and lives on the street behind me.  I've never met her until that night.  Really funny.)  and Gina (She lives two doors down from me and is a hoot).

Girls just wanna have fun and shop!!
John Ryan and his vampire teeth he won at Chuck E Cheese.  Yes, my shirt says "Clemson" but I only wear it to paint and do yard work.  It is one of Blake's shirts when he went insane for two years and was a Clemson fan.  He has come to his senses and now dresses in garnet and black.  Go, Cocks!

Nick had to have a picture too.  You would never know that sweet little face belongs to a rascal. 
See that twelve inch spot in the middle between the twins?  That is how much room I get when they decide to sleep with me.  They don't look much like Roosters here but let them wake up. 

I was sitting outside the other day enjoying my hummingbirds and got a couple of shots with my phone camera.  The shots I got with my Nikon are amazing.  I have just been too lazy to upload those.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Friday Night LIghts

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. ~ 1 Corinthians 9: 24

Friday night was Blake's first official Varsity game of the season.  He was so excited to have made the varsity team being a sophomore.  He is on the kick return special teams and he plays line backer.  He has played middle line backer since he was in middle school and loves it. 

Being at his first game Friday night brought back such fond memories of high school football growing up for me.  I was in the high school band (Yes, it was cool "back in the day" to be a member of the band.)  I was in high school in the 80's.  You know--the BIG hair era.  I can remember teasing and spraying my hair until it was a mile high (and wide) and hard as a rock.  Our band uniform shirts were emerald green which I loved.  I can remember the girls getting to the band room all "fixed up" and ready for the game.  Then came the time when utter depression would set in--the putting on of our band hats.  OMG!  They were like football helmets.  They mashed your hair flat.  All that pre-game hard work to get your hair as big as possible only to be flattened in a matter of seconds.  But, oh, what fun it was to sit in the band section of the bleachers and cheer with the cheerleaders, play the fight song when we scored a point or two, and watch the game.  Then there was half-time.  We really were a great band and our trophy case expressed our talent and hard work.  I can remember lining up in the end zone next to the woods waiting to go onto the field for our shining moment.  After all, the people really came to see us, right?  (HA!)  The drummers would tap out a cadence and some talented poet would make-up a cadence for us to march onto the field.  When our band director would pass by said poet, he would often have to bleep the words.  Friday night game-night was just a great three hours to look forward to at the end of a long school week.  Anyway, being at Blake's game brought back really great memories of high school football games.  I hope Blake makes the most of these next couple of years.  I think high school truly helps children/young adults prepare to cope in the real world to some degree.  It's like kindergarten again--learning how to make good choices, learning the consequences of poor choices, making friends, learning how to be friends with people who are different and the same, understanding that life isn't fair, that people are different and that's a really good thing, that I am responsible for my choices and actions and that the world doesn't revolve around me  (Okay, so maybe that is learned later in life.  I don't know.  I'm thinking the world should still revolve around me.  Ha!).  High school is really a special place and time for young people.  Sure there is a lot that goes on there that I could certainly do without, but I had much rather Blake face those factors while he is at home with me so that he has an immediate source of support rather than be thrust into similar situations while away at college with no support line and no prior experience.  Maybe my thinking is off, but it seems to be working for us here.  I'll keep praying that we are doing the right thing by our children.  I guess only time will tell.

This is "Nana".  She has kept the boys for us since they were about nine months old.  When the boys entered PreK, she stayed with ME (ha) for a year.  She was with me through Jody's deployment to Iraq.  I would come home from school every day to find my house clean, my laundry done and my boys happy.  I never asked her to help me clean or do the laundry; she just felt sorry for me (I kid you not) and did what she could to make my life easier.  What a blessing!
The boys actually asked for Nana to come back to stay with them.  My roosters love Mrs. Walker to death as I am sure you can see from this picture. 
"Nana" now keeps twin girls who are eight months old.  We miss her, but we are so happy that her new family loves her as much as we do and that Nana still doesn't mind help us when we need her. 

When we arrived at the football game, a rainbow was over the stadium.  Before the game begins, a group of "Falcon Faithfuls" (parents) gather in the stands at the 50-yard line and pray for the coaches and players. 
The band, or part of it, marching through the stands.  Hey!  Where are their helmets?! 

Getting in a few pre-game drills

WhiteKnoll hiding their secrets behind the line.  I liked the way they lined their helmets up on the yard line behind them.
Getting ready for the first kick-off. 

Here we go again


Friday Night Lights
This was precious.  Doesn't everyone remember all the little girls wanting to be cheerleaders and doing their cheers with the "big girls"?  These girls cheered all night long.  They were so cute.
The Falcons ended up losing their first game, but they played a great game.  I mean a really awesome game.  Flora is a 3-A school and held this 4-A school to a six point lead only (14-8).  The guys had nothing to be ashamed of because they played a good game with integrity and determination. 
Way to go, Falcons!!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Busy Weekend

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."
~ Colossians 3: 16
 This was just a busy weekend.  Friday night the Roosters' former Nana came to keep them while the Colonel and I attended Blake's first football game of the season.  (I will be doing a separate post on that.)  Saturday the twins needed haircuts.  They looked like shaggy dogs.  Later Saturday evening, the boys went to their friend Wyatt's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.  It was so crowded, but the boys had a great time.  When we got home, the Colonel somehow managed to short out the electricity in my bedroom, bath, half the computer room and our den.  I don't know what he did, but he had it fixed when I got back home tonight from taking Sister home.

Today we headed to church.  Alberta (Mrs. Stewart) sang and I kid you not, I had goosebumps running up and down my body the entire time she was singing.  There was a time in the song when you thought it was the end of the piece, and then she did the refrain again and I thought I would literally come out of my seat.  There are just no words to describe that selection today except WOW!  I mean really--WOW!

After church, we had lunch at Applebee's.  We usually go out to eat for birthdays around here, but with football practice and school starting, I ended up cooking for Blake on his actual birthday.  So, today was his day to pick where he wanted to go eat and Applebee's it was.  You would have thought we were a table of eight instead of five with all the plates we had around us.  We are some eating people.

Later today I picked up Sister and we headed to WalMart to get groceries.  Headed home and Heidi helped me empty some of my container garden soil in a few holes the dogs had dug in the backyard.  I still have three tomato bushes that are still producing and my pepper plants are doing great still.  I'll miss my garden this Fall.

Speaking of fall, I noticed the Dogwood trees starting to change colors and the oak trees are starting to shed a few leaves.  It makes me sad.  I love the Fall, but knowing the leaves are dying makes me sigh. 

And below are a few photographs of this weekend.  Football pictures are not included as that will be a post tomorrow.

Nick and Wyatt

Three Roosters cruising

Is this a hint of things to come?

It was so funny to watch all four try to climb on this poor horse.

This is Wyatt's older brother Ian and two of his friends.

The Colonel in his neon shirt and Wyatt's dad, David.
Wyatt's older sister Kennedy.  She is one of the fellas.  Such a cutie.
John Ryan after church today.  He rides home with me from church because I usually beat Blake home, and John Ryan wants to ride with the one that gets home first. 

I think the only time I take my picture is on Sundays.  I hate getting my picture taken.  John Ryan practices his photo taking skills in the driveway every Sunday while we wait on Blake and the rest of the crowd to make it home.

Another cell phone picture...Hair is a little different as I got it cut Wednesday...I kept the length since winter is coming and I need something on my neck during recess duty...burr
I also think the dress I am wearing in that photo is fast becoming my favorite.  It is so comfortable.  I have about worn it out.  I wore it to the boys' Meet and Greet night, my Curriculum night and now to church today.  I better rotate it to the back of the closet for a while or I might become known as "that lady that wears the polka dots all the time."
I took this picture of the hallway at church.  I thought they wallpapered the hall but it is actually painted.  It was done with some Martha Stewart painting kit is what I was told this AM.  I thought it was so cool.

Nick adores Blake.  Blake was watching the Jets play, and Nick is looking at the TV like he is actually interested in the game.  HA!


Thursday, August 22, 2013


Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. ~ Ephesians 6: 11

Let me start by saying that I love teaching.  "Teaching" being the operative word in that sentence.  I don't care for the other stuff that goes along with it:  the meetings, the long lesson plans, the mounds of "proof paperwork" that is supposed to show someone else sitting somewhere else that I am actually doing my job.  So, there are days when I get discouraged and the joy seems to ebb somewhat. 

I've been in school for a month now, and this week I have been really discouraged because I didn't feel I was where I wanted to be on a personal level with my students.  As the kids say now-a-days "I just haven't been feeling the love."  It was bothering me, so I have been sharing my thoughts and feeling with coworkers and with God.  I have a class that have a few more emotional issues than I would say was the "norm" these days.  It is mentally exhausting to try to figure out how to reach some children.  I've been around the block enough times to know that if a teacher doesn't have a relationship with his/her students, he/she can forget teaching them.  It just seems slow going right now, so I have felt the weight of discouragement this week. 

On the way to work this morning, I was on my final leg of my trip to school just sharing my final thoughts with God and asking Him for his guidance and wisdom as usual.  I got to school, did my early morning duty and headed down to my classroom to begin my teaching day.  One of my students walked up to me and handed me a note that he said was from his mother.  I had just spoken to his mother yesterday afternoon, so I figured the note was just her following procedure letting me know her child would be leaving early again today for an appointment.  I opened the letter and this is what she writes:

After reading her note, it was all I could do not to just burst out crying.  God's timing is always perfect timing.  I just felt like, if I read between the lines, that God was telling me, "Hang in there.  We've got this.  Keep doing what you know to do and don't be anxious." 
I needed that encouragement to get through the day.  It was a tough day, not with my students, but with other things that I "could" have let affect how I responded to the children.  I'm thankful I was able to let it roll off and realize from which  (or I should say from whom) it came. 
On another note, the Roosters are enjoying their new school and seem to be adjusting great.  I love hearing them discuss what they did in class and hearing them compare their day. 
I would have to say that even with its faults, school is a pretty cool place to spend the day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rooster Happenings

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. ~ Philippians 1:6

The scripture above came to mind since the Roosters were all starting school this week.  Not long ago, I emailed Alberta (You know, THE FABULOUS Mrs. Stewart) and told her I was feeling anxious about sending the twins off to their new school.  She emailed me back and reminded me that God had a teacher picked for the boys for the new year.  Monday night was "Meet and Greet" for the twins, and I was reminded of her words yet again.  After meeting the boys' teachers (the Roosters are in separate rooms), I left smiling to myself and thinking, "Yep, John Ryan's teacher seems to fit his little personality and so does Nick's."  Nick's teacher even graduated a year before me from FMU where I got my undergrad degree.  I know she know her stuff!  Ha!

Yesterday was Blake's 16th birthday.  So hard to believe that he is sixteen and a sophomore in high school.  I cooked shrimp and fries for him for supper per his request.  The Colonel ordered a cake for him, and I picked up a cookie cake.  I really felt so sorry for Blake b/c he didn't get home until
7:00 PM from football practice and was exhausted.  I could see it all over his face and in the way he moved. 

So, with a couple of big days for the Roosters, here are a few pictures of their happenings.
I was so busy looking around the boys' rooms that I totally forgot to take pictures.  I snapped this picture of Nick's room as we passed by it again on our way out.

The school the boys attend is a NASA Explorer School.  Outside each classroom is a Mission Control board with the teacher of the class "flying" in space.  I am sure that there are days when those teachers think "Beam me up, Scotty."

At the boys' desk, they got a bag of Goldfish.  Nick devoured his. 

John Ryan chilling while he was waiting on his food.  We are that family that eats in our car constantly.

Nick about to crash.
Is he not excited or what?!!

Really, Mom?  Is this really necessary?
Poor things--their book sacks are almost as big as they are.  HA!
The boys are addicted to Mario games on the Wii.  When we were at Old Navy shopping for school uniforms, they saw these book bags and wanted them.
This is my neighbor, Elizabeth, whose dogs we fed while she and her family were on vacation.  I was just thinking that I have known her for over 16 years.  We taught together about twenty (wow) years ago at the first school I taught at in Columbia.  I made the best friends at that school.  Liz is one of them.  Anyway, Ernie and Lucky (Elizabeth's dogs) brought the boys a "back to school" goodie bag yesterday complete with an Ernie and Lucky statue.  The boys LOVED their bags!!
Doesn't he look thrilled?  Poor thing. 

Birthday supper served on a BEAU-ti-ful paper plate.  Yes, I am THAT kind of mother.  If anyone is reading this blog and wants cute ideas and a events planned to a "T" then I am not your gal.  I am the one that is doing all she can do to just get supper done and on a clean plate.
I laugh whenever I look at this cake. I think it is the ugliest cake ever.  It doesn't make sense to me.  I get the football, but why those puff balls?  Oh, wait a minute!!  I get it now--those are cheerleader pom-poms, right?  I will say that Blake did not care in the least what it looked like.  It was really a good cake, so you can't judge a cake by its décor. 
And to be fair to the Colonel, I didn't do much better picking out the birthday cookie.  Really, Wendy?  Go, Gamecocks?  Did you even think that maybe "Happy Birthday" might be a little more appropriate?  See, I told you:  We are THAT family.  Right now we are THAT tired.

And speaking of being tired...This is my daily dose of pick-me-ups...I've been taking the liquid B12 for about two weeks now and I "think" I'm starting to feel a little better...I am trying to get at least 7.5 hours of sleep but this week it has been hard...I did better last week.
I hope all is well in your corners of the world.  Just remember that God's in that corner with you also. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Just Different

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. ~ 1 Peter 5: 8

Ever had a day that was just different?  Maybe it was different because things didn't go as planned, or maybe it was different because of the events, people or activities that ended up being a part of your day.  Anyway, today was one of those days for me--just different.  I expect my Sundays to be peaceful and reflective, but today was just not that way for me.  For that reason, I remembered the Bible verse I shared above.  I am sure there is a reason for the "differences" in today.  I am just reflecting and trying to figure out what I am to learn from them. 

Today at church was supposed to be promotion Sunday for the Littles, but John Ryan ran a low-grade fever last night for no apparent reason so he and Nick stayed home with the Colonel.  I do not believe in dragging sick children around other people's well children.  I don't appreciate it being done to my kids, so I don't do it to others.  Mr. Stewart did a great job with the Sunday school lesson on evangelism.  I'm not really sure where I fall when it comes to evangelism.  It is definitely something I need to pray about.  Maybe I'm just to invite people to Shandon happenings???  Not sure. 

As I was leaving service this morning, I saw an old friend.  She was talking to someone so I waved and she grabbed my hand and pulled me "out the crowd."  We talked for a few minutes and walked out together.  It was great to see Tammy and her husband.  I taught their son about ... a long time ago (Ha!). 

Lunch was a little difficult on my diet as John Ryan was feeling better and the Roosters wanted to go eat spaghetti.  Somehow I managed to stay on my diet today.  I hate dieting b/c I LOVE food.  I truly love food.  I'm one of those gals that eats her entire plate.  I am very thankful for a high metabolism but even so, age has made it a little more difficult to stay slim.  I remember the days when I had a Pepsi and Snicker's bar for breakfast and the scale never went above 105.  Oh, joy!  Now, I can look at a Snicker's and the scale adds three pounds.

After lunch, we took Blake to Dick's to get a pair of shoes he has been wanting.  I took the boys over to the camping section while Blake and the Colonel shopped the sports sections.  When the Littles grew tired of tents and kayaks, I walked them over to Pet Smart to look at the critters there.  Nick goes straight to the reptiles (turtles) and John Ryan heads for the birds.  Below are a few pics from our pet shop visit.

On the way over, we stumbled upon a dying praying mantis.  I'm sorry.  I just do not like insects. I can handle the little ones, but these big things just give me the willies.

I thought this tank was cool because the décor matched the fish.  You can't really see it because of my reflection in the background.  Sorry.

Another tank that I thought was pretty because it matched the fish.  No, I'm not a fish fan either.  Cats and dogs.  That's about it for me.

This was my favorite.  I thought this would make a great tank for a classroom.  Someone else's classroom, of course. 

Nick wanted me to take a picture of these frogs.  Nope, I don't do frogs either.
I saved my calories yesterday for a bowl, not a cup, of country potato soup from McAlister's Deli.  I love their soup.  I wanted the bread bowl but I passed on it to try and make Day One of my diet a success.

This was the fruit cup that I ordered with it.  Really?  That is a fruit cup?  I don't think so.  I call that a sample.  Ugh!

This was the Colonel's dish--turkey melt with fruit.  I'm not a turkey fan, but it still looks good.  This was supper for us last night.
Tomorrow is a big evening for the Roosters--Meet and Greet Night at their school.  It is so hard for me to believe that they are in "big" school now.  I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share.  I think I'm going to head to bed, as I hear thunder and there is nothing like going to sleep during a thunderstorm.  Love it!