Monday, April 15, 2013

Saturday in the Park

Fun in the Park

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.
Psalms 31:24

Saturday was a total day outside enjoying the beautiful weather.  The Roosters and I went to the park with my sister Heidi and had a picnic.  The Colonel was doing a clinical day at the hospital and Blake was at the lake with a friend.  Here are just a few photos of our day in the sun.

John Ryan loves to slide down poles for some reason.  None of my children are afraid of heights while I am terrified.  When I get higher than am I tall off the ground (Did that make sense?), I get light headed.

Nick is going to be the death of me.  He is 110% crazy, wild, dare-devil b-o-y!  Whew!  Wears me to a frazzle daily.

My little Roosters.  (I miss my big rooster being this age.)  At this age, Blake used to tell me all the time, "Mommy, we fit together like a puzzle."  Melt my heart!

This is a lake near our house where we go turtle hunting.  You should see it in the Fall.  Sigh.  Absolutely gorgeous.

Nick is obsessed with turtles.  We went turtle hunting Saturday at the lake above.  John Ryan was a bit nervous b/c he thought we were all going to jail.  Yes, jail.  I parked off the road and there was a sign that read "No Parking."  Of course, John Ryan read it and kept reminding me that I was "iwegally" parked.  HA!

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