Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Trip to the Doctor's Office

John Ryan and His Finger ~ Gotta love Roosters!

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones. ~ Proverbs 17:22

Today's trip to see Dr. Bartlett was just one of those crazy things that happens to a rooster of mine.  A few days ago--maybe even a week ago--John Ryan was picking at his fingernail.  He managed to peel the nail of a little too deep into the quick.  I sprayed it with Dermaplast and thought nothing else about the finger.  However, last night, John Ryan got up twice crying about his finger.  It was a little pink around the edge of the finger but nothing that caused me to think anything was majorly wrong.  I put some antibacterial ointment on it and he fell asleep.  This  Morning when he got up, he once again told me his finger was hurting.  I took one look at it and said, "Whoa!" (Don't I have such an impressive vocabulary?)  Poor John Ryan,.  His finger was red to the first knuckle and he had a puss pocket (sorry) around one side of the nail bed.  I was immediately on the phone calling for an appointment.  I have been staff developed to death about staph infections and was not taking any chances.  Here are a few pictures of our journey to cure the finger infection which by the way is call a paronychia (nail infection).  {I think that is how it is spelled.}


The white part that looks like the blood has left his finger is actually the ring of infection. 
The first picture was taken at lunch today.  This picture is actually in the doctor's office.
Yes, the twins to all things together.  Nick is the talker and was telling Dr. Bartlett that all this was caused because John Ryan picked his finger. 
All done!  What a trooper John Ryan was! Dr. Bartlett actually had to lance the finger to drain the infection from it.  There was a lot!  John Ryan didn't even flinch, cry, howl, jerk, etc.  However, I will add that he had NO CLUE what she was doing.  He thought she was just cleaning it with an alcohol swab.  She was great!  Both boys were thrilled that they got to go to the prize box instead of just the sticker bucket. 
After we left the doctor's office, we headed on post to get our prescriptions filled.  John Ryan is on an oral antibiotic for ten days and a topical one as well.  Dr. Bartlett knows my roosters and gave me a refill on the topical antibacterial ointment.  HA! 
And, since this is my blog, I decided to add a picture of me after RUNNING to my car in the rain.  I have a feeling I may return to this post and delete this picture.  Who puts a picture of themselves sitting in their car after running through the rain and with their glasses on too?  (I love glasses, but I don't like to have my picture taken in them.  I'll do a post on my obsession with glasses.  It truly is an obsession.)


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