Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7

When Roosters Clean Up...

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1 (NIV)

Please tell me I am not the only mother of three boys that takes two hours to get OUT the door to go to church (or anywhere for that matter).  I kid you not.  I was meeting a friend to join her for services at her church today and I started two hours before I had to leave my house.  I was STILL rushing everyone out the door!!  I feel like I'm herding turtles any time we have to get somewhere at a specific time!

And what about this:  I had the boys pick out their clothes so that it wouldn't take two hours to get ready.  Boys' clothes are all laid out in their rooms when John Ryan tells me this morning, "Mommy, I don't want to wear this shirt.  I want to wear the shirt Nick has."  Really?  Even after having everyone SELECT what he wanted to wear so I WOULDN'T have this, I STILL have it.  Oh, the joy of getting out the door.  Some days, okay days, I just end up saying, "I don't care what you wear as long as it is clean and covers the necessary body parts!"  I'm going to just get a T-shirt for myself that says "I let my kids dress themselves today." 

Nick is supposed to be saluting me and yes those are tattoos on my child's arm.  There are some battles I just won't fight.  He was matching and had on shoes.  Tattoos are the least of my worries.

ROOSTERS! Does this picture give you any idea what my days are like?

There is always one in every bunch, right?  Can you tell which one is it in my bunch?

Let me add that all of these pictures were taken AFTER we returned from church.


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