Celebrating God's Love Through His Children
Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! ~ Psalm 150
Today was Children's Sunday at Asbury, the church were our boys attend kindergarten. Since services don't begin there until 11:00, we went to Sunday school at Shandon and then headed across the bridge so the twins could sing with their classmates and those wonderfully amazing teachers that I have to brag about every chance I get.
Speaking of the boys' teachers, they think it is so cool that Mrs. Stewart teaches them during the week, and Mr. Stewart is my Sunday school teacher. I must say that they are both gifted teachers. Mr. Stewart is so encouraging and has a love for the Lord that just shines through. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been lead to his class.
I need to apologize for the quality of the pictures ahead of time. I thought we would be able to get a seat closer to the front of the church but we didn't. I only had my phone camera and when I cropped the heads out of the photos, the pictures are not that clear.
See that beautiful lady in the striped shirt standing in front of the group? That is the amazing Mrs. Stewart. What a gift for teaching (and singing) she has been given.
My roosters are the two blond boys in white shirts with plaid shorts to the left of the picture. The kindergarten class sang "We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight." They sounded so good, and you could tell the teachers spent a good bit of time teaching the children the song. I was truly impressed with how good they sounded.
My big rooster is the one in the purple and his best friend Ian is in the pink. Ian's little brother is in the same class as the Roosters. They are all buddies.
"We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight"
After church we headed to McAlister's for lunch. I was craving their country potato soup. While I was there, I saw two students that I taught in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. I looped with that class and had the pleasure of teaching them for three years. The final year I taught them, I was pregnant with the Roosters. Cameron couldn't believe how old they were, and I couldn't believe he was driving and in high school. That was a very special class. We were very close, and I loved the students' parents as much as I loved them.
After lunch, the boys and I played a game of Monopoly Junior. It is a favorite of ours. I am a game board freak of some sort.
And this would be Blake sporting his "loud" Gamecock T-shirt since the Gamecocks are playing LSU in baseball today. Go Cocks!!!
I had to snap a shot of a play of the game especially since the score was 3 to 0. And, yes, that ugly TV does sit in my den. When the Colonel returned from Iraq, he bought that hideous thing. When we went on vacation not long ago, I asked my neighbor to please keep an eye on our house; however, I told her that if she saw anyone leaving with the TV to please wait until they had it out the house and gone with it b/c calling the police. The thing takes up an entire wall and is such an eye sore. After a year in the sandbox, I figured I shouldn't say much about how ugly it was/is. I'm trying to figure out how to camouflage it, but I haven't come up with a solution yet.
I hope that each of you were encourage today during your time with the Lord. As Mr. Stewart said today, "I'm sure it is no accident that Sunday comes before Monday." I don't know about you, but Sunday is exactly what I need to start my week.