Sunday, July 14, 2013


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5: 6-7

I had a wonderful time at church this morning.  It was Super Bubble Sunday for the Roosters, so they were all about finding out what was going to take place during their worship time.  Sunday school ended a little early because most of the class is in the choir and has to slip out.  Anyway, Sunday school letting our early meant that I made it to the sanctuary in time to hear those singing duets or solos practicing.  This morning, the fabulous Mrs. Stewart was singing.  We also sat together during service b/c her hubs was out of town and the Colonel had drill. 

After service was over, Alberta (AKA "the" fabulous Mrs. Stewart) and I went to get our children and then said good-byes in the parking lot.  I usually park on the left of the walkway, but today I parked to the right and FORGOT.  I was wandering the front part of the lot lost as a bat.  When I finally remembered where I parked and headed in the right direction, whom (Is it who or whom?) should I pass but Alberta "looking" for her car.  I howled.  Literally, when I finally got in my car, I howled because it is so obvious when people are lost in a parking lot. 

When I got home, the big Rooster that can now drive alone asked if he could go get some lunch because he was not feeling my BLT sandwiches for lunch.  Is it really that much fun to drive?  I seem to have forgotten b/c I can not stand to have to get in my car and leave my house once I finally make it home.

Here are a few pictures from our morning....

I tried to draw an arrow to the wonderfully, amazing Mrs. Stewart but it didn't exactly show up the way I wanted.  The music during worship today was beyond words.  At one point, I was thinking about how wonderful it was and if it was that good at Shandon how much more amazing is it in heaven where the Saints are singing.  I thought about my grandmother, who loved music and was so musically gifted, in heaven singing before the Lord.  As much as I miss her still, I felt such a joy for her.  She has really been on my mind a lot today as Dr. Lincoln's message was on social justice and what that means to God.  Our Bible study lessons in James have also been about that. 

This is my John Ryan.  (I have always called him MY John Ryan.  I even made up a song that I used to sing to him when he was a baby.)  Anyway, it is hard to see, but I put a tiara on my head and a crown on his in this picture.  His thinking bubble reads:  Must we do this every Sunday?  (The answer is "No" because the bushes are in serious need of trimming!  And there is just something photogenic about that bright yellow garden hose in the background, don't you think?  Ugh!)
Blake asked me was I trying to pull an Angelina Jolie with my leg thrown out like that.  I was probably trying not to fall.
And here he is Nick with The Tongue...Oh, the joy I'm going to take sharing these pictures later in his teen "please don't embarrass me, mom" years. 
I hope you've had a great Sunday too! 
He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
~ Psalm 46: 10

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