Camping for the first time...
"The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves." ~ Mark 6: 30-32I wanted to share a few (Okay, maybe more than just a few and probably more than anyone wants to see) pictures from our first camping trip in the Colonel's traveling home.
Everyday at the pool they would have water activities for the different age groups to do. The day I had my phone at the pool they had pool basketball. The boys would get a Coolie Coin for participating. The big Roosters actually got to show/use their muscles in the 16+ tug-of-war.
John Ryan going for a basket. Eat your heart out LeBron James!
Now this is one tired little boy. As a matter of fact, John Ryan fell asleep at 8:30 last night and slept for fourteen hours.
More water sports. Sorry the pictures are not in order.
This is what big Roosters do -- iPhone, iPhone, iPhone, iPhone, etc.
Making friends with water noodles. These noodles were so cool. We found them at the store I can't stand. They actually have seats on them and held me up in the water. Obviously I looked a little stupid riding an alligator. Oh, well...
The Colonel styling in his neon.
John Ryan
More swimming with new friends
Mafia Men? Not!
This was Dumbo with his hand in the ice-cold water simulating the water temperature where the Titanic sank. He was up to 321 seconds and wanted his picture taken.
More muscles
My favorite scientist...He was such a funny character to me.
Another favorite scientist of mine...I actually did a double-take of the picture on this board at WonderWorks...Usually the pictures of Newton are of him as an older man, but this one was when he was young...I think he is good-looking in this picture...
My John Ryan...Promises of things to come???
Everyone was so thirsty after leaving WonderWorks. We ended up eating pizza and drinking an ocean of liquids.
Lord, give me strength!
The fountain at Broadway at the Beach....I took this shot because the boys kept getting closer and closer...Luckily we left before they got wet...
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