Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Little of This and That

More of the Dew Crew        

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. ~ John 6: 35

I know I said more amazing facts coming soon, but I don't have the wording right in my head yet.  Hopefully I'll have them prepared mentally by tomorrow where I can write them and they will make some semblance of sense to anyone reading my entry.  In the meantime, what has been going on with us.  As usual, the pictures tell the story.

See this tall Rooster.  He got his restricted license yesterday.  He is so excited to be able to drive alone.  I, on the other hand, am just sick to my stomach.  I know it is an exciting milestone for him, but driving in a city the size of Columbia just worries me to death.  He had a football session with Marcus Lattimore today.  Yes, that would be "the" Marcus Lattimore.  Anyway, we let him drive to his football event.  He had to text me when he got there, when he left and when he finally made it home as I was at a birthday party with the young Roosters. 
Yesterday I walked into WalMart and literally stopped dead in my tracks when I was faced with this right at the front of the store.  Really?!  Must they rub it into a teacher's face that school is right around the corner?  However, it was a good reminder for me to make sure I have all medications filled with at least nine months of refills.  (HA!) 

Yes, here is the School Supply Tower.  I wanted to run over it with my buggy but I had the Roosters with me and didn't want to give them any new ideas.  Speaking of school starting, I have two days of in-service this coming week and our students return July 29.  I teach at a year round school and while it does have its perks, THIS is not one of them. 
Before the mad rush for school supplies begins, I decided to pick-up a few things I needed.  Last night I got my lesson plan notebook (boo, hiss, gag) ready and also made my data notebook.  I'm a research nerd and love my data notebook.  I can't wait to put my charts and graphs and running records in it.  Love that kinda stuff!

These just arrived in the mail.  I like the Math 4 Today book but the verdict is still out on the one for ELA.  It doesn't look to be as promising.  I plan on using these as spiral reviews at the beginning of class each day. 
Look at that beautiful smile!  (sigh)  Too bad he has a critter in his paws that I don't have a fondness for at all.  Especially when he brings it into the kitchen while I'm standing in front of a hot stove cooking. 

Yes, Nick is wet.  He wanted to give the dogs a treat and it started raining.  Poor child didn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain.  (Ever heard that clique before?  Ha!) 
A little harvesting was done yesterday.

A little harvest was eaten yesterday too. 

And these are my tomato bushes that are growing like crazy.  I don't ever remember mine getting so big.  My peppers are doing amazing.  I have already gotten about two dozen off only three bushes.  I love hot peppers in peas.  Oh, yeah, I've mentioned that more than a few times.  Know what is even better--fried corn bread with it.  OMG!  Peas with hot peppers, cukes, sliced tomatoes and fried corn bread.  Oh, and a huge fried double crusted pork chop.  Yummy!

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