Monday, July 29, 2013

When God Speaks

"My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."  Proverbs 2:  1-5

I feel compelled to share my Bible reading time last night through this blog.  I always pray before reading my Bible.  I ask for understanding, wisdom (for understanding is no good without wisdom), and an open heart and mind to hear what God's Spirit is about to impart on me.  I believe that anytime I read my Bible that God has something to say to me either in the moment or for the near future.  He tells us that His word does not return void.  Last night I realized that lately I have been asking God to help me with things I (emphasis on "I") wanted to change or fix with myself.  I decided maybe I needed to see what God wanted to work on with me instead of showing Him my list of things I wanted to fix in me.  So, I added to my prayer that God would share with me what He wanted to work on with me in my walk with Him.  After praying, I opened my Bible to Matthew 13 (The Parable of the Soils) and began reading.  As I was reading about Jesus telling this parable about the different soils that the seeds of the sower fell upon and what they did and did not produce, I began to "hear" this voice that was telling me that God was trying to tell me that I was a horrible Christian.  That I was not making a difference in my walk with Him.  That I wasn't doing anything I should be doing and my Christian walk was like the seeds that feel on the road and the birds ate them.  I was devastated.  I felt horrible.  I felt useless.  I then realized that while God convicts us of sin, He does so in love and mercy. He convicts me often but never does He tell me I am horrible, useless, an awful follower nor does He leave me feeling devastated.  I knew the "voice" I was hearing was not God's voice.  It was satan's.  However, I just could not understand what God was trying to say to me b/c satan was just slamming me with these horrible, negative thoughts.  Before I went to sleep, I asked God to please help me understand what He was trying to tell me b/c I just did not believe He was telling me I was a worthless Christian.  I just laid there in the quiet and into my head popped the new part of my prayer that I added--God please show me what YOU would have me work on with YOU.  It was God reminding me what I had asked Him to show me.  Suddenly, I realized God was telling me that He wanted me to work on growing even deeper roots in my faith.  He needs my roots deeper and stronger.  That is what I am to work on with Him.  He was answering my prayer!!

Tonight after Bible study, I shared my story with Alberta (Yes, the fabulous Mrs. Stewart) and "Miss" Susie.  They gave me some really good things to think about.  First, Susie made the comment that we don't "expect" satan to show up while we are reading God's word.  However, while we don't expect him to be there, it certainly doesn't mean that he won't appear.  Then Alberta reminded me that satan used God's word and twisted it to tempt Christ.  Isn't that what he was doing to me last night?  Satan didn't want me to hear whatever God had to tell me.  He kept slamming me with lies, twisting God's word to deceive and throw me off course.  He was doing a good job of it for a while there.  I am just so thankful that I have been convicted by God enough in the past to know that God never makes us feel useless and unlovable.   God convicts through love and mercy and grace.  Yes, He can bring you to your knees, but He loves us enough to always, always, always, always help us up so that we can move forward.  Thanks be to God that He doesn't leave us where we are and that He faithfully delivers us from the paws of the evil one as He promises He will.

Anyway, I just felt the need to share my run-in with satan last night and how God truly delivers us from evil.  God promises:  "My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."  Proverbs 2:  1-5

Beach Week

"Who builds his upper chambers in the heavens and founds his vault upon the earth; who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the surface of the earth— the Lord is his name."
Amos 9:6 ESV

I know I have been MIA lately, but I have been super busy.  Today was my first day back at school with students.  I'll share "back to school" stories later.  I am in "ketchup" mode right now.  Last week, we made another trip to the beach.  We are slowly getting used to tin can living (i.e., travel trailer).  Here are a few pictures from our week.
First, it is really hard to get a tan when it is drizzling.  Or is it?  For some strange reason, I totally forgot to put sunscreen on my face and lips and they are parched.  My lips actually blistered and are gross.  What a way to start the first day of school.  Nothing like scabby crusty lips.  Ugh. 
Because I wanted to spend more time relaxing at the camper, we bought the boys remote control trucks to entertain them around the trailer.  John Ryan wanted to take his to the beach to "four wheel" over sand mounds.
John Ryan shares his truck with a little boy that asked could he give it a try.
The boys at the camper playing with their trucks.
I think this was the beginning of a fight.  I don't really remember now, but it looks like they were getting on each other's nerves here. 
We didn't get the small gas grill that I bought early to the beach this time due to lack of room in the truck.  My bright idea was to just get a charcoal grill from WalMart and grill burgers so we were not having to leave to get something to eat for dinner.  I just wanted to chill around the camper.
Notice the half-cooked burgers in the frying pan.  No, I didn't try to fry then on the grill.  I had to put them in the pan b/c the first set of coals I heated up were not hot enough to finish cooking the burgers. It took me close to an hour to light the charcoals due to the wind.  It was horrible.  THEN, I had to light a second batch to finish cooking the burgers.  I got so disgusted that I put the entire bag on the grill and that is what you see here.
This is the Colonel watching our neighbors fix their plates.  They started cooking after I did and were cleaning up when we finally sat down to eat.  This picture is so funny to me because the Colonel took his chair from under our awning and sat at the road watching the neighbors cook.  I asked what in the world he was doing.  He said, "I'm watching this gentleman cook so we'll know what to do the next time b/c we are definitely NOT doing it right this time."  I howled even though he was picking on my grilling ability.  Then, if that wasn't enough, when the gentleman finished his cooking, the Colonel told me he was going to ask if he could use his grill to finish cooking our supper.  "OMG!  YOU ARE NOT!" is what I said. 
Now do you see that white bag on the ground.  I kid you not that bag was sent from God.  The wind was horrible thus the reason I was having trouble with lighting my charcoal for the first round.  This bag blew into our site and did NOT move after that.  I was able to get the bag, tear it into pieces and use it to FINALLY get my charcoal started.  I am sure God was chuckling in heaven and in His mercy sent this paper bag to me.  Some people don't believe that God does small things like this for His children; that He only works in big ways.  I am not one to put God in a box.  For it to be crazy windy and for that paper bag to blow into our camp and not blow away, I am convinced that God had mercy on my poor limited cooking abilities and said, "Here, Child, let Me help you."
And this was the Colonel's first few bites off my gourmet burger.  He said it had a strong taste of lighter fluid.  :( 
Duck races on the lazy river.  This travel park does an excellent job of organizing pool activities for all the children and adults. 
The boys loved being thrown in the air and landing in the water.  Blake and the Colonel kept taking turns throwing them up.  I'm so thankful my boys are not afraid of the water.  They respect it but do not fear it.
And this was my beach reading at night before I drifted off to sleep. 
I've left my mermaid fins under the pier until the next trip to the shore.  I can't wait until I am able to retire as the beach is where we are headed.  Our plans have always been to sell our home in Columbia and take the money and buy a place at one of the resorts where you have no yard work, maintenance work, etc.  I am hoping that it is God's plan for us as well.  We shall see.  However, if it is not, then I trust that the plans God has for us are far better than what we plan for ourselves.

Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm Still Here!

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect.  1 Corinthians 15: 10

I am still around with lots to shareI've just traded my feet for mermaid fins but will be back blogging soon with some funny Dew Crew tales

Yes, I've been here for a few days before heading back to school.

I love this etsy find.  I think I'm going to make it my motto this year.  Ha!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5: 6-7

I had a wonderful time at church this morning.  It was Super Bubble Sunday for the Roosters, so they were all about finding out what was going to take place during their worship time.  Sunday school ended a little early because most of the class is in the choir and has to slip out.  Anyway, Sunday school letting our early meant that I made it to the sanctuary in time to hear those singing duets or solos practicing.  This morning, the fabulous Mrs. Stewart was singing.  We also sat together during service b/c her hubs was out of town and the Colonel had drill. 

After service was over, Alberta (AKA "the" fabulous Mrs. Stewart) and I went to get our children and then said good-byes in the parking lot.  I usually park on the left of the walkway, but today I parked to the right and FORGOT.  I was wandering the front part of the lot lost as a bat.  When I finally remembered where I parked and headed in the right direction, whom (Is it who or whom?) should I pass but Alberta "looking" for her car.  I howled.  Literally, when I finally got in my car, I howled because it is so obvious when people are lost in a parking lot. 

When I got home, the big Rooster that can now drive alone asked if he could go get some lunch because he was not feeling my BLT sandwiches for lunch.  Is it really that much fun to drive?  I seem to have forgotten b/c I can not stand to have to get in my car and leave my house once I finally make it home.

Here are a few pictures from our morning....

I tried to draw an arrow to the wonderfully, amazing Mrs. Stewart but it didn't exactly show up the way I wanted.  The music during worship today was beyond words.  At one point, I was thinking about how wonderful it was and if it was that good at Shandon how much more amazing is it in heaven where the Saints are singing.  I thought about my grandmother, who loved music and was so musically gifted, in heaven singing before the Lord.  As much as I miss her still, I felt such a joy for her.  She has really been on my mind a lot today as Dr. Lincoln's message was on social justice and what that means to God.  Our Bible study lessons in James have also been about that. 

This is my John Ryan.  (I have always called him MY John Ryan.  I even made up a song that I used to sing to him when he was a baby.)  Anyway, it is hard to see, but I put a tiara on my head and a crown on his in this picture.  His thinking bubble reads:  Must we do this every Sunday?  (The answer is "No" because the bushes are in serious need of trimming!  And there is just something photogenic about that bright yellow garden hose in the background, don't you think?  Ugh!)
Blake asked me was I trying to pull an Angelina Jolie with my leg thrown out like that.  I was probably trying not to fall.
And here he is Nick with The Tongue...Oh, the joy I'm going to take sharing these pictures later in his teen "please don't embarrass me, mom" years. 
I hope you've had a great Sunday too! 
He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
~ Psalm 46: 10

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Little of This and That

More of the Dew Crew        

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. ~ John 6: 35

I know I said more amazing facts coming soon, but I don't have the wording right in my head yet.  Hopefully I'll have them prepared mentally by tomorrow where I can write them and they will make some semblance of sense to anyone reading my entry.  In the meantime, what has been going on with us.  As usual, the pictures tell the story.

See this tall Rooster.  He got his restricted license yesterday.  He is so excited to be able to drive alone.  I, on the other hand, am just sick to my stomach.  I know it is an exciting milestone for him, but driving in a city the size of Columbia just worries me to death.  He had a football session with Marcus Lattimore today.  Yes, that would be "the" Marcus Lattimore.  Anyway, we let him drive to his football event.  He had to text me when he got there, when he left and when he finally made it home as I was at a birthday party with the young Roosters. 
Yesterday I walked into WalMart and literally stopped dead in my tracks when I was faced with this right at the front of the store.  Really?!  Must they rub it into a teacher's face that school is right around the corner?  However, it was a good reminder for me to make sure I have all medications filled with at least nine months of refills.  (HA!) 

Yes, here is the School Supply Tower.  I wanted to run over it with my buggy but I had the Roosters with me and didn't want to give them any new ideas.  Speaking of school starting, I have two days of in-service this coming week and our students return July 29.  I teach at a year round school and while it does have its perks, THIS is not one of them. 
Before the mad rush for school supplies begins, I decided to pick-up a few things I needed.  Last night I got my lesson plan notebook (boo, hiss, gag) ready and also made my data notebook.  I'm a research nerd and love my data notebook.  I can't wait to put my charts and graphs and running records in it.  Love that kinda stuff!

These just arrived in the mail.  I like the Math 4 Today book but the verdict is still out on the one for ELA.  It doesn't look to be as promising.  I plan on using these as spiral reviews at the beginning of class each day. 
Look at that beautiful smile!  (sigh)  Too bad he has a critter in his paws that I don't have a fondness for at all.  Especially when he brings it into the kitchen while I'm standing in front of a hot stove cooking. 

Yes, Nick is wet.  He wanted to give the dogs a treat and it started raining.  Poor child didn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain.  (Ever heard that clique before?  Ha!) 
A little harvesting was done yesterday.

A little harvest was eaten yesterday too. 

And these are my tomato bushes that are growing like crazy.  I don't ever remember mine getting so big.  My peppers are doing amazing.  I have already gotten about two dozen off only three bushes.  I love hot peppers in peas.  Oh, yeah, I've mentioned that more than a few times.  Know what is even better--fried corn bread with it.  OMG!  Peas with hot peppers, cukes, sliced tomatoes and fried corn bread.  Oh, and a huge fried double crusted pork chop.  Yummy!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Amazing Facts

To believe or not to believe?  That is NOT the question.  

If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? ~ John 3: 12

There are some things about me that are just nerdy.  Reading and pondering amazing facts is one of the things I love.  I particularly enjoy reading about animals and the way they survive and live through instincts. 

A few weeks ago during our small group time during Bible study, a lady said that her husband believed that the stories in the Bible are not all true that some of them are just symbolic.  Of course, my mouth flew open, but I realized that I have heard people say that before.  After that night, I just started reading different ways that theologians have gone about proving the Bible is in fact the word of God and it is all true.  I was reading that the Bible is authenticated by experience, science, Christ, miracles,  and prophecy.  Now I have a fondness for all the ways God has linked the Old Testament to the New Testament.  It is one reason why I enjoy Beth Moore's bible studies.  She has you all over the Bible making connections.  Anyway, a mathematician who was an expert in mathematical probability, Peter Stoner, wrote this in his book Science Speaks:
If you take eight, JUST EIGHT (let that sink in), of the Old Testament prophecies Christ fulfilled, and add up the probabilities that JUST THESE EIGHT prophecies could have happened BY ACCIDENT, it would be one change in 10 to the 17th power  (You know?  The number 10 with the exponent 17 written to the right!) that such an accident could happen.  So what you say?  Let's put that in perspective.  The chance of JUST THOSE EIGHT prophecies being fulfilled by accident would be like filling the state of Texas two feet deep in silver dollars, putting an X on ONE of them, and giving a BLIND man one pick.  He would have one chance in 10 to the 17th power of picking the one with an X on it.  That's is the probability there is of these eight prophecies with all their specific details ever coming to pass by accident.  Is that not BEYOND COMPREHENSION?! 

Then I ran across something else.  Something Herbert Spencer said.  Now before I share that with you, let me tell you what I learned about Spencer.  Herbert Spencer attended the funeral of Charles Darwin breaking a rule he had of his to never enter a church.  Herbert Spencer, it is said, discovered that all the things in the universe could be categorized into five categories:  time, force, action, space, and matter.  Got it?  Now think about this verse from Genesis:  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" Genesis 1:1.  Do you see how Mr. (cough, cough) Herbert Spencer just proved the Bible is true?  Label that verse according to what Spencer says: 
~In the beginning...Time
~and the earth...matter

Is your mouth hanging open the way mine did?  Not only did my mouth fall open at how amazing this is, but I was ROTFLOL by the fact that we can use Spencer's categories of all things in the universe (You know?  Spencer that made it a rule to never step foot in a church because he did not believe in God.  Hahahahahahahaha!) to show us that the Bible speaks accurately.  I ran across this in a book by John MacArthur that I was reading.

I just had to share these two things with you to give you something to ponder.  I've never questioned whether or not the Bible was all true.  I believe it is.  However, I still enjoy reading how people have proved it to be true to non-believers.  I found a few more amazing facts that I'll share tomorrow.  Just wait until you read those!  Wink!

I hope you have an amazing day knowing that our "beyond amazing" God is in control. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Women's Summer Oasis

Wonderful Night for Women

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.  ~ Psalm 16: 6

Tonight I attended Shandon Baptist's Summer Oasis for women with guest speaker Ellen Parker.  I so enjoyed listening to her speak.  Her joy is contagious.  I also got to sit with Alberta (Mrs. Stewart, the twins amazing kindergarten teacher.  I wish I would have gotten there sooner so I would have had more time to visit with her.  She is so real and makes me laugh.  Anyway, Ellen's "talk" was about learning to love the season that you are in at the moment.  Her talk was a reflection off Psalm 16.  She did a great job and left me with a lot of things to think about and ponder.  I love when I can listen to someone speak and I go away wanting to think deeper about the topic and how it applies to my life. 

The earlier part of today was just normal Dew Crew stuff.  I'll take you through it in the pictures below.

Picked the big rooster up from football practice.  They had passing league today.  This was his uniform for the day.  He plays line backer and said they only got to "tackle" using two-hand-touch. I don't see how they stand those shirts being so tight.  In the heat we have here in the south, I would think that a loose shirt would feel so much better.

After getting Blake from practice, I took the twins to "Miss" Michelle's so that I could go to an appointment downtown and get some things done around the house before I had to leave for church tonight.  If you live in the Columbia area and need a good preschool/kindergarten for your child, Asbury is it.  Of course, the wonderful Mrs. Stewart teaches the kindergarten class.  I just love this school because the teachers are so loving, God's word is taught along with a solid academic program, and my entire family was blessed through Asbury.  I just love Asbury Preschool/Kindergarten and will truly miss my boys not being a part of that loving circle next year.

After dropping off the boys, Blake and I had lunch.  I am addicted to Chiptole's chicken fajita bowl.  I could literally eat this for at least one meal every day.  It is so good.  I "try" to keep mine as low in calories as I can.  I just get the brown rice, peppers and onions, chicken, mild and medium salsa and that's it.  They have a lot of other add-ons but I'm not big on cheese, sour cream, beans and some of the other additions.

I know it looks like all we do around here is eat.  HA!  Okay, so there is probably a lot of truth in that statement.  I cooked supper for the crew before heading to church.  The chicken was something new I tried.  Butter, garlic and fried onions as the coating.  It was so good.  I threw together the squash and parsley potatoes as sides.  My grandmother used to make the best red potatoes in butter and parsley.  Mine just do not taste like hers ~ yet.  I'll get it one day.  I'm determined. (And, yes, that is a little burnt stuff on the squash.  I have to burn a little something or it just isn't right.  There used to be a time when I made the smoke detector go off every night.  I have improved.  HA!)

I took a shot of the group of ladies that attended the Oasis tonight.  I couldn't get the entire area.  The back part of the gathering place is cut off in my picture.  This is actually the area between the Sunday school classes and the sanctuary.  It is called the gathering place.  Normally there are couches and chairs in this area for people to gather and talk in comfort.
I wish the color was better in these pictures.  The tables were so cute.  Each one had a little fruit basket filled with peaches and a bouquet of balloons in orange and pink were tied to the baskets.  The basket of peaches were actually door prizes for the person who had a sticker on her program.  I didn't win.  :(  
We were asked to bring cobblers, pies or a fruity dessert to go with the ice cream being served.  I thought the dessert idea and the table decorations were so creative and went so well with Ellen's talk:  "Learning to Love Your Season".
On the place cards we had at our seat there was a recipe for Ellen's strawberry cobbler.  I've included it below.  If you are interested in getting to know Ellen, you can visit her at:
Ellen Parker's Strawberry Cobbler
1 pound strawberries, quartered
1 tablespoon sugar plus 1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon corn starch
1 stick butter, melted
1 cup all purpose flour
Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar with cornstarch and strawberries.  Set aside while you prepare the topping.  For cobbler topping, mix melted butter with flour and 1 cup sugar.  Transfer strawberries to a greased 8 X 8 pan.  Spread topping over strawberries.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the cobbler is a light, golden brown and the berries are bubbling.
Serve warm with ice cream.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The Simple Life

The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. ~ Psalm 103:  8-12

I've been thinking a lot about mercy since Monday evening. Bible study last night was really good.  I especially enjoy the small group discussions we have before we tune-in to Beth Moore via the video.  Last night one of the questions was on who has made a big difference in our lives regarding our faith.  No doubt about it it was my grandmother.  She was my example of what James talks about when he says that faith without works is dead.  (Not that we are saved by works, but that our faith and love for Jesus produces works.  Our faith causes us to want to SERVE.)  I am so very blessed to have had a grandmother where I SAW Jesus in her. 

This is a forty year old story.  I was in kindergarten (40 years ago), and it was the night of our promotion ceremony.  We got to school and "the little Thompson girl" showed up without any shoes.  Now I need to interject here that I grew up when my sister and I only got two pairs of Sunday shoes per year.  One for summer and a pair for winter.  That was it.  Grandmother was a teacher at the school I attended so she knew most of the students.  Anyway, I remember her leaving and coming back later with MY SHOES in her hand and GIVING them to the little Thompson girl.  THOSE WERE MY BLACK FALL SHOES!!  (I was wearing my white ones b/c it was spring.)  Sure winter was over and I would be getting a new pair in the fall, but still, those were my shoes!!  Some time during the evening, I asked my grandmother why she gave the Thompson girl my shoes.  I can still see her looking at me with those green eyes that danced and she said, "WE gave her your shoes because she didn't have any shoes at all and that is what Jesus asks us to do if we love Him."  End of conversation.  Forty years later, I still remember my grandmother walking into my classroom while we were lining up with my shoes in her hand.  I still remember her answer to my question of "why my shoes".  I am still most thankful for a grandmother that practiced her faith and not just talked it.  (As a side note,  the Little Thompson Girl passed away that summer from spinal meningitis.)

And here are just a few random photos of things that make me smile...

This was taken yesterday.  The Roosters were actually sitting together and not fighting or shoving while they watched Veggie Tales.

Veggie Tales Super Heroes

OMG!  The big Rooster is actually OUT of his room and upstairs with the rest of the family.  Of course, he has his phone, but I'll take it as long as I get to see him for longer than it takes him to grab something out of the kitchen.

This was the Rooster after football practice this AM.  Let me tell you--that is one smelly ride back to the house.  He is so ready for his restricted liscense, and I must admit that I am too so that he can stink up his car and not mine.

Are they not just the cutest things EVER?!!  I took this picture because even though they are twins, they are definitely different.  Nick likes the Golden Oreo cookies while John Ryan likes the original ones.  Their mother likes them both and they have found their cookie packs a little lighter on a few occasions.
I LOVE Diet Mountain Dew.  This is somewhere near me no matter what I am doing in and around the house.

I am in love with these chips.  The Sea Salt & Vinegar are awesome as well as the Jalapeno chips.  As a matter of fact, while I'm writing this blog entry, I have both next to me.  Yummy!

OMG!  OMG!  OMG!  The BEST summer sandwich EVER!!  The tomato on this sandwich actually is the first 'mator off one of my bushes. 
Look at my beautiful tomatoes growing on my bushes!!  I have six bushes full of tomatoes waiting to turn red and be eaten by me and shared with people. (A lesson I learned from my grandmother!  Wink!)

This is my new "brain".  I can not remember a thing lately.  I am sure it is due to my children and not my age.  (cough, cough)  I used to put sticky notes all over my bathroom mirror.  I now just have different color dry erase markers in my make-up drawer, and I write my weekly "must not forget" list on my mirror.  Genius, right?

Are these not some sexy feet?  These are my favorite "house shoes."  Can you tell?  I am laughing right now b/c I can't believe I am actually showing this picture.  Socks with very worn ballet flats?  Really?  I'm looking at them and thinking that they are so torn-up that I might as well just walk around in my sock-feet.  I just think the shoes add a little "something" to my cut-off jeans and T-shirt.  You know you want a pair of these.  Go ahead and admit it.  HA!

My friend Simon.
The Roosters and I rode by the lake on the way home to visit our friends.  The babies (two in the middle) are getting so big.  Their heads are still light brown.  That is how we are able to tell the eight "gooselings" from the adult geese.