Monday, June 24, 2013

VBS and a Rainy Afternoon

VBS and the rest of the day...

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:  6

The Roosters were up very early this AM.  They had VBS at 9:00, but we had to get Blake from weight lifting at 8:30, we we were all up, dressed, fed and out the door by 8:15. 

This was the best I could get on the trek to the car this AM.  John Ryan is holding his CSI badge to get into VBS today.

Nick clearly not in the mood for my picture taking.  Oh, well, sometimes I win and sometimes I lose.  He is still a pretty good egg.


Through fun, hands-on forensics science activities, explore the lives of Old Testament heroes and villains. Investigate the evidence from their lives to determine if they walked worthy according to Ephesians 4:1-3.
As we learn the meanings of humility, gentleness, patience, love, unity and peace we not only investigate the Old Testament character's lives but also look at our own lives. Are we walking worthy in these areas? What do we need to change in our own lives through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us?
The main lesson is one hour. With the addition of optional rotation labs, each lesson is approximately three hours. If you choose to do everything suggested, your class time will last even longer!
This curriculum can be used in various ways: weekly children's church, camps, outreach, and VBS. Format: Download
Lessons include:
1: King Josiah: Depend on Jesus.
2: Naaman the Leper is Healed: Treat others with kindness, consideration and respect.
3: Esau Sells His Birthright: Deal with hard times in a calm way.
4: Abigail saves Nabal: Choose to treat others with love.
5: Jehoshaphat: Work and cooperate with others.
6: Freedom From Sin: Live together in peace.
After returning home from VBS, the boys played in the yard with Sister while I cooked lunch (BLT's with potato salad-yummy) and worked on laundry.  It wasn't a good day for the yard as we had thundershowers off and on all afternoon. 

Yes, my den floor looks like this most days--full of Lego's.  Today it was Lego's, laptops and markers. 

Hmm, where did Nicholas find my CHRISTmas pillow?  This picture makes me laugh because Nick's eyes kept rolling back in his head because he was so tired and just refused to take a nap.

Nope, this isn't lunch.  This is a snack.  These boys could eat an elephant in an afternoon.

John Ryan loves PBJs.

Finally, I got a picture of the big Rooster and this is what he does.  He is such a goof-ball.

Now this cracks me up!  He was doing his version of the Mr. Clean commercials.  I kept asking him where his muscle was.  LOL!

Okay, that "knot" he calls a muscle isn't too bad for a 15 year old.  For some strange reason, he enjoys weight training and conditioning.   He is a funny kid.  Keeps me laughing.  He is a good egg, too.

These are our new obsession.  We devour these things.  The only ones I dislike are Root Beer and Coffee.  Those are nasty.  The popcorn flavored ones are actually really good, and I am not a huge popcorn fan.

My 'mator bushes are doing really good.  I can't wait for them to turn red.  It seems to take forever before I get to start picking them.

Cucumbers are also looking good.  Nicholas has already laid claim to this beauty.  He loves cucumbers and watermelon.

Are they not just beautiful?!?

I was trying to get a shot of the storm cloud, but it doesn't show up good.  However, the pine tree you see there is really tall, BUT the one behind my bedroom is even taller.  It is the one that I worry about whenever we have a bad storm with really strong winds.  You can see part of it in the top right of the photo.  Those are actually the bottom limbs.  It is a big tree!
Tomorrow if all goes as planned, I am headed to the Farmer's Market to get some fresh veggies.  I was thinking that Sister and I could watch a movie and teach the boys how to shell peas or butter beans.  I'm not sure if they are in yet.  Will have to see what I can find when I get there.  I just love summer vegetables and fruit, don't you? 


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