Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Catching Up On My Happenings

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."  ~ Isaiah 41: 13

I'm going to see if I can catch myself up on my weekly happenings.  I think the best way to do it is through pictures. 

Last Monday, I started a Bible study on the book of James.  I've been twice thus far, and I've really enjoyed it.  It's a rather large group of women.  It think we are up to 33 now.  I'm a huge Beth Moore fan, so this was a no brainer for me when Kristen announced in Sunday school that she was going to facilitate it. 

Thursday I met an old friend from "The Meadow"--Jill Truett.  I had lunch with Jill and Kaitlyn whom I have only talked to via text.  Kaitlyn has been offered a position at "The Forest" and wanted to meet for lunch in order to get a feel for what life in "The Forest" is like.  I am happy to say that Kaitlyn texted me yesterday and said she accepted the position.  I can't wait to work with her.  She seems like such a sweet person and has a heart for children.  It was also loads of fun catching up with Jill after a year.  This is a picture of me as I was leaving to go meet the gals.  I totally forgot to get a group picture. 

Friday, I attended Jasmine Melvin's funeral services.  A few weeks ago, I posted pictures of a couple of teachers from "The Forest" decorating for our spring ball.  We were wearing Team Jasmine shirts and praying for God's will to be done in Jasmine's life as she was battling cancer.  Jasmine ran to Jesus last week.  We are praying for God's unfailing love and amazing grace to carry Jasmine's parents, Zully and Ryan Melvin, through this difficult time.  Jasmine's grandmother, Betty Melvin, works at "The Forest" with me and is such a sweet lady.  We are praying for the entire Melvin family. 
Saturday had us heading to Carowinds which is only about an hour from Columbia.  It was hot and humid.  The twins are at that in between stage where Carowinds isn't as much fun as it was last year and not as much fun as it could be if they were only two inches taller.  The rides that they could ride are now "baby" rides to them.  The rides they want to ride are still not in their height range.  I must admit that Carowinds is not my favorite place to spend the day, but I put on a happy face for the Roosters.

Rides?  Who needs rides?  We climb poles and anything else that we are NOT supposed to climb.

After riding the huge swings at Broadway at the Beach, this little swing was just not cutting it at all.  Look at John Ryan's face.  It says it all.

A repeat--oops.

Leaving!!  Yippee!  And I am looking at Blake and am wondering if the big Rooster is color blind.  Geez. 

The joy of being a twin--If your brother doesn't want his Icee, then you get it!

This was a favorite ride.  This is Nick with the Colonel flying the skies. 

Roosters (Or should I have named them "monkeys"??) hanging out in the trees in the backyard. 

A quiet trip to the library.  The big Rooster went with us but only because he got to drive.

Our patio has a water drainage problem; however, the Roosters love it when it rains.  Yes, we have had a lot of rain lately.

Because of the rain, we have been stuck inside for DAYS.  Ugh.  The boys were driving me nuts, so I made a quick trip to my least favorite store ever (WalMart) and let them pick out a Lego kit to build.  They love, love, love Legos.  This is Nick.  He actually fell in love with them first and is really good at building.

John Ryan with his kit.  They have decided that they are going to start collecting them.  I will say that those two inch plastic blocks are expensive.  Geesh.

My patio garden is doing great.  This is actually a picture from a week ago.  I now have buds all over my tomato bushes and even a few small tomatoes budding.  My cucumber bush is huge.  I'm a little afraid it is going to outgrow the cage I have for it.
So, these are a few things the Dew Crew have been up to lately.  What have you been up to?

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