Thursday, June 27, 2013

Do You See A Pattern?

My Summer Reads...

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ~ Matthew 11: 28-30

A few nights ago I was doing a lesson in my James' Bible study workbook and it was on anger.  Moore asked us to rate how quick we were to anger on a scale of 1 - 10.  Hmm?  I emailed my friend Alberta who is also doing the study and asked her did that mean with or without medication!  If that wasn't enough to make me uncomfortable, the next part asked us to make a list in the margins of all the things that made us angry over the last seven DAYS.  Was Moore kidding?!  Seven DAYS worth of MY anger in the margin.  Please!  I couldn't fit the last seven HOURS in the margin let alone seven days.  Gesh!  I decided to generalize the things that make me angry so that, writing extremely small, I could at least have a list that didn't make me look like a monster.  I fully admit that I have issues with anger.  (Obviously, right?  Ha!)  So, what does this have to do with my summer reads?  Well, as I was doing my Bible study, I started thinking about the books I bought to read this summer.  I am wondering if you will notice the same pattern that I noticed.  Take a look ~

I even bought the Unglued Devotional book.  Look at the subtitle:  "Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions" 

This one isn't about anger.  I just like Angie Smith.  If you have not read her book, I Will Carry You, you really should put that on your list. 

And this one is on my Kindle.  I love the title!  Yes, as the mother of three boys, I am often DESPERATE for strength.
So, did you notice a pattern?  ;)
I had to add this picture.  Remember the baby geese I blogged about a few weeks ago?  Well, today I had to take a different route to get the boys to VBS because the road in front of our house is still a mess.  The route I took goes around the other side of the lake.  This is what we saw!!  The baby geese were actually on the other side of the road, and I couldn't get a shot of them b/c a car was coming.  They are getting so big.  I wish I would have had time to watch them for a bit.  This must be the hang out area now.  Not only were there geese waddling around, but also a few ducks.  My plan is to go back later this evening with some old bread and crackers and see if the boys can feed them without getting rushed.
And finally.....
My camping duffel bag arrived yesterday.  My niece advised me to use a duffel bag instead of a suitcase.  You can't tell from this picture, but that is one huge duffel bag.  I actually put two sofa pillows in it to plump it up and it still isn't full.  The fellas in the house always use duffel bags for trips, but I have just never been able to make one work for me.  I hope I can figure out a packing system for this thing.  And, just an FYI for the ladies, Sam's has Vera Bradley large duffels for $54. This one is an extra large that I found on clearance on Amazon.  Most of the reviews said that it was "too big" so that equaled "just right" to me.  HA!  I will let you know that the ones at Sam's are not that pretty and have a lot of white on them.  I thought a dark color would work better for a camper and keeping it looking clean.
Okay, I'm off to get the blond put back in my hair.  After going darker for about two months, I must say that blondes really do have more fun!  More importantly for this forty-six year old, it makes me look younger.  Pictures later. 

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