Friday, June 21, 2013

Getting Organized

Trying to get organized

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. ~ 1 Corinthians 14: 33

There is one trait that I wish I had that I just do NOT have in any shape or form.  I wish I were more organized.  I am the one constantly losing my keys, my shoes, my phone, my children (Just kidding...I have managed to hang on to them by the Grace of God only I am sure.)  I have lists everywhere and lose those.  I buy planners and either they don't work for me or I forget where I left them. 

This is a WalMart planner I "thought" I would use.  I didn't write the first thing in it.  I think I decided it was too big and floppy.  How would I know though?  It's not like I even tried the thing.

THEN, I went to Staples and bought one of those pretty Martha Stewart binders with all the stuff to get myself organized.  As you can see, I haven't even opened some of the "cute" stuff.  I definitely do NOT like the three-ring binder organizer.

This the the agenda my school gives us at the beginning of each new year.  I HAVE to use it or I would be totally lost.  I only keep school info in it and after-school appointments.  This is a must.

This is my NEW MomAgenda that I recently purchased.  I have had a few in the past, and I actually used this one.  I was going to try the Erin Condrin planners that I have seen and read so much about in the blog world.  However, I saw how thick it was and I didn't think that would work for me. 

What I like about the MomAgenda is that the top part is for my appointments and then the bottom is divided into four sections for kids, workouts, meetings or whatever you want to make the sections.  At the very bottom is a section for meal planning and a small notes section over to the left at the top.  I'm giving this one another try beginning in July.  Wish me luck.  Okay, just pray that I can keep up with it and not lose the thing!!

Today was a day where I was trying to make-over my vacation checklists.  Usually we rent a villa at the beach for the week and my list is pretty much the same year after year.  However, since the Colonel bought the house-on-wheels, I do not want to get to the beach and have to worry about making out a stocking list.  My niece, Megan, is super organized.  She truly has a gift.  She calls it OCD; I say it is a gift.  I texted her during the day to ask some questions as she has Irish twins (ha) and has spent some time recently at her mom and dad's trailer at the beach.  She was extremely helpful and had some "pointers" for trailer camping with little ones.  (Her Littles are five and six.)

These are a few checklists I have made so far.  I plan (cough, cough) to put them in a Travel Trailer Vacation binder.  I want to keep one at home and one in the trailer.

This is my new little piece of technology I ordered a while back and just got around to setting it up today.  I needed a laser color printer for home.  I tried it out today and really like it so far.  Maybe THIS will keep me organized.  Nah!

It was extremely easy to set-up.  It took "maybe" fifteen minutes if that long and that was doing everything including connecting it to our wireless system.
The pictures below will explain the rest of my day with the Roosters.  I need to get more pictures of Blake, but he seems to think he is "too cool" for me to photograph him.  
Our Bible lesson today was the story of Abraham and Sarah.  While I thought this little tent scene was so cute, I must admit that gluing three of these things together (I made one last night as a model for the Roosters today) was not a lot of fun for me.

The Roosters were in Heaven for most of the early afternoon.  They are repaving the street in front of our house so the boys watched the workers.

Later in the day, the Roosters ate Popsicles and watched the work going on in front of the house. 

After supper, the boys went to the backyard to dig more holes.  Must they do this?  Our backyard is horrendous.  The Colonel says let them do whatever they want to it; it can't look any worse.  Sigh.

What do you ask yourself (besides why would anyone buy such an ugly rug) when you look at this picture?  Is there something that just seems like it doesn't belong?  Like that BIG, OLE FOOTBALL SOCK!  The Roosters were doing a word search in the den and when I walked by I noticed the football sock.  I had to ask what they were doing with a sock.  Neither seemed to know the answer to that question.  It seems the sock just appeared in their midst.  Really?  Socks usually hide from me.  Notice that the sock is ON the paper.  That means that the paper was there first.  They are just clueless as to why the sock was with them.  Who knows?  I guess the socks around here can walk without feet in them.  I wish they would walk out of my dryer, match themselves and then walk to the sock drawer!!

My little garden being touched by the hands of the sun.

This is a limb that fell off a pine tree that is right behind my bedroom.  I have this small fear that we are going to have a big storm and the pine is going to fall on my bedroom roof while I am sleeping. 

Remember my post on my friend Delores that I taught with in Allendale.  I wrote about her in my Jonah post.  Anyway, thirteen years ago, Delores and I went on the Walk to Emmaus spiritual retreat weekend. 
(Walk #16 ~ Table of Martha ~ DeColores!) 
While we were there, one of the speakers used the dragonfly as a metaphor for God.  Her talk was amazing.  For gifts now, Delores, Rhonda and I will often send each other something with a dragonfly on it.  Today, out of the blue, I received this beautiful pillow from my sweet, sweet friend.  I put in on my bed to remind me of Delores.  I think of her often and miss her so much.  She was such a gift sent to me in that season.  I'm so thankful she will always be a forever friend even if we don't get to see each other a lot. 
The pictures below are just pictures of the grand strand taken by others.  One was a pier at Myrtle Beach with the sunset.  The other is just a random picture of people on the beach.  I can't wait to get my toes in that sand!!  Oh, how I love the beach!!!

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