Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Little of This and That

Dew Crew Daily This and That's        

So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."  ~ Genesis 22: 14 (NIV)

Today began with the boys excited about VBS.  While they were at church, I headed to get Sister and pick-up the big Rooster from football practice.  No Farmer's Market for us today as a huge storm came up and the road in front of our house was finally getting paved.  I didn't feel like driving my car over hot tar.  However, the big Rooster decided to walk on it.  Yes, you read that correctly.  While the workers were at the drizzle those rock crumbles, Blake hops out of a car with no shoes on and runs a few paces in the rocky tar.  He comes into the house telling me he "thinks" he burned his feet on the road.  WHAT?!  I make him soak is feet in cold water, wash the crumbles off them and lather them in aloe gel.  It seems he just needed them cooled down.  After we did that, he was fine and is on his way to see SMACK DOWN which is in town tonight.  (I am NOT a wrestling fan at all.  It just seems so lame to watch grown men in tights throw each other across a mat.  And they do that why?)

Here is the rest of our day in pictures....

Finally, we are getting our road back!

Nick watching the work being done on the street.

Yes, we have to have something cool while we are "road watching."
Nick harvesting the first cucumber of the season.

When it finally popped off the bush, he thought he broke it.  It looks like he is about to cry but he isn't.  He was just surprised at how hard he had to pull.

So proud.  Heading to the house to put it in the refrigerator for supper tonight.
When the afternoon storm came up, we decided it was the perfect time to do our Bible lesson.  Today we read the story of Abraham and Isaac.  The Jesus Storybook Bible did a really good job with this story.  I was a little afraid that the boys wouldn't exactly understand what God was asking of Abraham, but the book did a good job relating it to little children.

Nick working on his ram.  I loved the way the Roosters put cotton under the horns.  Obviously, we haven't been exposed to rams, lambs, and goats a lot.

John Ryan working.

John Ryan's ram looks like it got caught in a storm.  LOL!

Nick's ram.

I thought John Ryan did a really good job making his ram appear to be caught in the bushes as it was in the Bible story.
And, I even learned a lot from this story.  I never made the connection of Isaac carrying the load of wood up the mountain just as Christ would later carry the cross up a hill to become a sacrifice for our sins.  God also commanded Abraham to sacrifice his "only son" and said it three times.  The journey up the mountain for Abraham and Isaac also took three days.  In the book of James that I am studying, James references Abraham's faith (James 2: 21-22).  I love learning all the ways the Old Testament is connected to the New Testament. 

After reading the section in Genesis of Isaac carrying the wood up the mountain, I flipped to see what the illustration in the New Testament would look like.  Someone did their homework.  I really think this children's Bible has been well done.
And this is my latest obsession--lace dresses.  I love them.  I think they are so pretty.  I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to skinny into that white one.  HA!  I think it may be on the "exchange" list as it shrank in UPS truck.  I hate when that happens.  Must be the heat, huh?  Wink!

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