Friday, May 24, 2013

The Things Roosters Say

Aiming for Christ

“If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. ~ Luke 6:  32-34

Training Roosters is a tough job.  I have really tried so hard to teach my children to love all people.  To be accepting of everyone's unique and God-given differences.  I believe that prejudices come from ignorance and are also learned.  I don't want to be the teacher of such evil.  So, when my children seem to be judging or not understanding others, I realize I need to teach them or help them understand.  For instance, the Colonel and I took the boys to a Disney show at our local civic center.  At our entrance, a Muslim lady was on her prayer mat praying.  The twins had never experienced this and asked me what she was doing.  I explained that it was her time for prayer and why, to the best of my knowledge, she was praying the way that she was (on her mat facing a certain way).  I also talked to them about the clothing she was wearing and why she covered her head and such.  They listened with interest.  I also took that moment to share with the boys why it is important for Christians to say grace in public and not hide our religion or worry about who we might offend.  If we practice our religion in love then we should offend no one.  You never know who is watching and asking questions.  ;)  I thought I had done a nice job with my lesson that evening. 

Fast forward a few weeks later...The boys and I are in WalMart shopping for our "prize" for good behavior and completed chores that week.  We are headed to the toy section when this Muslim lady passes us in a Berke (spelling??).  Her head is completely covered except for her eyes and she is in black.  Nick, bless his little pointed head, looks at her--does a double take and says REALLY LOUDLY, "Mommy, look!  It's a real ninja!!"  OMG!  Just dig a hole and put me in it.  I was mortified.  Nick was so excited.  I, of course, was trying to tell the lady how sorry I was and also let Nick know that she was NOT a ninja.  I could see the interview wheels turning in that child's head because I saw the disappointment in his eyes when I told him he was terribly mistaken.  (Besides being a fireman, state trooper, and garbage man, Nick also wants to be a ninja.)

And, just so you know, I am going to savor the moment when he is in his teens and I get to "shame" him in front of his friends as pay back for this moment.  Gotta love the honesty of little ones.  I am also grateful for the understanding of this lady as I could see the "smile" around her eyes. 

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