Jonah...Now Sandra Bullock
For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. ~ 1 Corinthians 12: 14-18
I have been told by a few people that during football season I remind them of Sandra Bullock when she played in "The Blindside." I was told that any minute during a game where Blake is playing that they expect me to go marching across the football field like she did during that practice session. (Ya know, if my behind looked like Sandra Bullock's in that white skirt, there have been times when I would have. Let's just say that I am not a Sandra Bullock from any angle whatsoever--sadly.) Anyway, today I picked Blake up from practice and as he is walking to the car, I notice this huge red spot on his neck and across his nose. What in the world?! It is only Day One of contact. I let him put his stinky stuff in the back of the Suburban and get in before I start drilling him. I "thought" I was being pretty cool by asking how was practice before I asked what happened to the neck and nose. That was my second questions to which I get the standard, "It's nothing, Mom." Then I see his arm all scratched and his knee is bleeding. I calmly inquired about those injuries and got, "Oh, those. We were doing some drills and were nailing each other as best we could without pads." (And, there is excitement in his voice, why? Oh, silly me. I forgot how much joy comes from pounding each other. Ggggrrr) I guess I just have issues seeing my children get hurt even if they seem to enjoy the torture. So, I think I am switching personalities for a while. Sort of leaving Jonah and picking up a little Bullock.
My First Rooster
Ugh! This is what his neck looked like today. I tried to get pictures of his nose, arm and knee but he told me my "coolness level" was quickly dropping. (It's a private joke we have. I'll share the story one day.)
All is well as long as he has his iPhone and earbuds.
My hero! Ha!
Since this is the week of PASS testing and it just wears me out, I don't cook during state testing week. I know, I know--that's pretty lazy, but I'll take the hit b/c I really am that tired by the time 2:30 rolls around. Since the Colonel was not going to make it home for "take out," I decided to take the boys to Chick-fil-A and have an early supper and hang with the cow for a bit. They played in the play yard for a while and then we went to Zestos and got ice cream before we had to pick up the big rooster.
Before getting the boys from after care, I had to run by Target to get their teachers gift cards for Teacher Appreciation Week. I made the mistake of just strolling through the women's section and found these bright ankle pants. I fell in love with the colors and had to have them. Then, I strolled passed this cute polka dotted skirt and thought it would look snazzy with these navy and white striped pumps I ordered from Zulily the other day.
This was on my porch today. I am so excited! This is going to be my first read of the summer!! (Not that I need it or anything...cough, cough)
And, this card was in my mailbox. It is a Mother's Day card from my dear friend, Delores. (Remember her from my "Jonah" post?) I left the low country eleven years ago, and I have gotten a Mother's Day card from her every year since I left. She will always and forever be one of the best gifts God sent to me. I have to share a short story about an adventure I had with Delores:
Delores and I were headed to Charleston one EARLY morning for an inservice we were to attend. I drove and got lost, of course. I was trying to get us back on course and ended up getting us in a mess. (I'm known for that, too.) Anyway, while I was turning this way and that getting us even "losser," Delores finally looks at me and asks, "Does this van only make right turns because that is the only way you will turn?" I burst out laughing and so did she. She was so right. I just kept turning right and going around in circles. I didn't mind the teasing b/c on the way home, she ran over a house and I howled for a good fifteen minutes. (Yes, that is another story.)
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