Do You Ever Come Unglued?
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
~ James 1: 19, 20
Do I ever come unglued? I think the better question may be "Is there ever a day when I don't come unglued in some form?" I teach about sixty different ten year olds for seven hours. I come home to three roosters of my own and the Colonel who has a Type - A personality which is the total opposite of mine. (Is that Type - Z?) My daily "to do" list is often two pages long and divided into two columns: school and home. Do I ever come unglued? Honey, I feel like I stay unglued!
What do I do when I feel the glue start to melt? I am ashamed to say that I am an exploder. I erupt like a volcano. It isn't pretty at all. When I was younger, I used to throw things. I did have a tad bit of sense and I always threw whatever at the floor. I can't remember a time when I hurled anything across a room at a wall. That does make it a little better, right?
I have come to realized that anger comes from unmet expectations. Think about it--any time we get angry, it is because something is not going the way we planned for it to go, right? I come unglued when my list is too long, when the kids are loud, when the kids don't listen, when the kids...Hey, it's all my kids' fault?!! (Just kidding!!) I come unglued when I can't get done what I expected to get done. I come unglued when my expectations are not being met according to my plan. (Hmm. I am also noticing a lot of "I" in that paragraph.)
How do I control my anger? Sometimes, many times, I simply do not. I just erupt. Again, it is not pretty. It is an adult tantrum plain and simple. It is just as ugly as a two-year old's fit. Probably more so because I am an adult having a fit. Not pretty. However, there are times when the She-Hulk can be contained. I talk to God out loud. I take deep-relaxing breaths--about twenty-five or so. (Ten wouldn't touch it for me) I try to imagine Jesus actually in the room or car with me because after all HE IS THERE!! I guess what I'm trying to say is that I try to focus on His Presence. Sharing my feelings with someone definitely helps. It gets it out there and is a release for me. Trying to find time to just be alone and decompress helps a lot. I am around people all day and there are times when I just need to be alone. Going to the gym or running used to be a great release for me, but I just can't seem to do either right now. I have some friends that go into cleaning frenzies. I have done it a handful of times, but it definitely doesn't help me calm down. I will say that sitting on my patio with Lady, our Golden Retriever, has helped calm me down. Lady is so loving and is an excellent listener.
I read a lot of very positive reviews about the book entitled Unglued. I decided to purchase the Unglued Summer Sanity Package from this website:
Unglued Summer Sanity Package | Proverbs 31 Ministries . I plan to read it during my summer break.
And finally, let's face it, no one really looks good when they are angry and it causes wrinkles.
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