Monday, March 3, 2014

With Spring Comes...

"For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." 1 Timothy 4: 8

I have this weirdness level in case you haven't figured it out yet.  I'm somewhat of a quirky nerd.  One of the things I do is relate how long my school year is to trees.  I know. I know.  Weird.  There was this huge tree on the playground at my last school, and I used it to gage my school year.  When school began, the tree was covered in leaves.  Then came Fall and the change of color with winter following and just bare claws reaching to the sky.  Finally, around March I would be on the playground and notice tiny buds appearing on the tree.  I knew that this marked the nearing of the year for me.  I always got excited when that tree started blooming.  

When I left my last school, I actually looked for a tree to "follow" through my year.  Needless to say, our playground is void of trees except for the pine forest behind the recess yard.  However, as I was walking to my car one day last year, I noticed that our parking lot is surrounded by Bradford Pears.  Perfect!  I decided to "follow" them throughout my school days.  I actually take pictures of them with my nerdy self.  HA!

These were the trees in October as they just began to change color.  With the new dress, I knew that right around the corner were Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas vacations.  Smile!

Today as I left school, I noticed teeny tiny little buds on the trees.  Oh, joy!!  This is the sign that Easter break is not far off.  (Yes, I am a teacher that looks excitedly towards her vacations.)

Do you see those beautiful buds?  Three more months of school!!  YES!!  Can I make it?  I think I can; I think I can; I think I can!

What else comes with spring?  Ah, my obsession with getting in shape.  It seems that my love of winter comfort foods has added an extra seven pounds to my 5'4" frame.  At that height, you can see the extra chicken and dumplings.  So, with spring comes...

a membership to Gold's Gym.  Blake is very serious about his weight training and informed us that his membership had expired.  I have been trying to talk myself into joining with him.  This weekend the Colonel took Blake to Gold's to renew his membership and also signed me up.  No more talk.  Notice that I also have a MWR card too.  That card gives me free access to the gym on post; however, they don't have the mind distractors that Gold's provides.  There is something about distractions that helps me make it through 1.5 hours of sweating (which I really hate to do).

Picked this up at Publix today.  These magazines (remember I have an obsession with magazines) help motivate me.  Let's face it, no workout program will be successful without DESIRE.  You have to want it.

I ordered Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred video about...oh...a year ago and never opened it.  I watched it while I cooked supper tonight just to see what I was in for "if" I decided to get started on it.  I was going to see if a few teachers at school wanted to do it together since it is only 20 minutes.  The workout includes push-ups.  OMG!  I HATE those things!!  This did not motivate me in the least.  Blah.

Then the gals went from push-ups to squats with over-head presses.  Are you kidding me?!!  I can't stand those either!  However, let's just go ahead and face it--I really can't stand any exercise except walking.  Working out really has to become a competitive game I play with myself.  It is the only way I can motivate myself to actually get started.  Once I start, I'm good to go.  I actually have to keep myself in check b/c it is very easy for me to become OCD with my workouts.  
So, when am I starting my spring shape-up?  Um, how about NEXT Monday?!  Ha!  I'm still in the "talk myself into it" phase.  It will take me about a week to convince myself to do this.

(This picture was copied and pasted from the blog "Dear Lillie."  This chalkboard print can be purchased from her shop through a link on her blog.  Just Google "Dear Lillie" blog--)

With the desire to workout and the blooming of the earth, the best part of spring is the reminder that God loves us so much that He spared not His own Son.  Yes, the best part of EVERYDAY is knowing that my Redeemer lives!!

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