Friday, March 7, 2014


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! ~ Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 (NIV)

Yes!  Friday is here and I made it!  Having a week where the kids can't go outside (both at school and at home) due to rain makes for long days and a long week.  

My Blake Rooster has snagged his first "real" job.  He will be working at CiCi's.  (You know--"Hi!  Welcome to CiCi's!!)  I have a hilarious (Yes, I laugh at my children often.  Isn't that why we have them?  Ha!) picture of him in his T-shirt, cap and nerd glasses.  I was going to post it, but I promised I wouldn't without him saying he was okay with it.  I told that precious sixteen year old to PLEASE let me know when his supply of contacts is getting low b/c he might not want to wear his glasses to work with that ball cap.  (ROTFLOL just thinking of that picture!!)  

The twin Roosters have baseball practice and they look just as pitiful (HA!) in their uniforms that are way too big even though we got the smallest size pants we could find.  The Colonel is still on a mission to find the time to run to another sporting goods store to see what he can find for them.  

I'm leaving today after school to attend a women's retreat in Charlotte with...drum roll, please....ALBERTA!!!!!  (The wonderful Mrs. Stewart)  I'm excited to be spending the time with one of my favorite people, but being the painfully shy gal that I am, being in a large crowd for a long period of time makes me a little anxious.  (And those of you that know me very well and are questioning my shyness level--Yes, I am shy!!!  Haha)  Anyway, I can't wait to share pictures and reflections on my blog when I return.

Okay, indulge this mother of three wonderful boys for just a minute or two.  As you have read a few posts ago, my friend Lisa just had a baby girl.  The only time I get to buy cute clothes for children is when my friends have girls.  Is this not the cutest little outfit?
After about the age of four, my boys stopped wearing smocked outfits.  Sadness.  I saw this dress and thought how cute Ellis would look in it.

And look at this dress with the little bloomers!!  OMG!!  Precious!!  

And how could I pass up this dress with this little ruffled slip under it!!  Now the bows and shoes are up to Lisa.  That is the reason God gave me all boys.  I can not do hair!!  I can't imagine having to match bows and socks and shoes to dresses.  I'd never make it to church on Sunday or else my poor princess would look like a rag-a-muffin.  It is all I can do to get my boys to put on a pair of shoes.  I love my boys but I love when my friends have girls!!

This sweet thing crawled in my lap after school yesterday and fell asleep laying on me.  I hated to have to get up to finish supper.  I'm going to miss that time when these Roosters are bigger I am sure.

How quickly they grow up.  This was Blake two years ago.  He has changed so much. 

Just a year later...Now imagine those glasses with a baseball cap on that head...ROTFLOL again thinking of that picture.

This starts Monday in the Forest right after the students load the buses.  There are twenty of us ready for the misery.  I seriously hope it is fun though.  I just can't imagine push-ups being fun.  

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