Monday, March 24, 2014

Baseball, Birthdays and Blake

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." ~ Colossians 4: 2

Super busy weekend for the Dew Crew.  I was hoping for some rest due to PASS writing in the Forest this week.  Testing is just boring and tiring but a fact of life for a teacher in South Carolina.  

Friday night we took the Roosters to CiCi's so they could see Blake in action. I was amazed at the fact that the big Rooster knew how to clear a table or sweep a floor.  He seems to forget those skills at home.  HA!  He is so excited to be sixteen with his first job.  The gentleman that hired him was there Friday night and had kind words about my Rooster.  I'm proud of the fact that Blake wants to earn his own money and is still able to keep up with his grades--thus far anyway.  He is getting more hours than I would like, but he is handling them at the moment and seems to enjoy what he is doing.  

Saturday was Sister's birthday.  We had lunch together, shopped all day long and then had a small celebration at my house.  I was worn to a frazzle, but I think she enjoyed her day.  

Sunday was spent enjoying the morning in worship and then the Roosters picked Applebee's for lunch.  I usually cook Sunday dinner, but I was too worn out from Saturday.

The Forest Fitness Foxes are starting level two of our workout.  I have been to the doctor a few times regarding some neck and shoulder pain I have been having.  It started before I began this fitness quest, but I am hoping there is nothing on the DVD that will exacerbate my aches.  Getting fit really feels good.  I am actually enjoying my near death experiences each day after school.  (HA!)

And, of course, a blog post wouldn't be complete without a few pictures to tell the rest of the story.  

Saturday also included some feather plucking at Hair Doodles.

I bought Sister cake squares for her party.  I saved enough points so that I could eat one of these jewels.  The frosting was almond flavor and was so good.

"Let it go!  Let it go!!"  (And that is all I'm going to say about this.)

I just got Progressive lenses and Friday was my first day trying to wear them.  They have really been tough adjusting to the different magnification levels.

The boys look so little to me.  It is hard to believe that Blake was this age when we moved back to Columbia.

This was Sunday's lunch and only 12 points.  

The Colonel helping John Ryan with a puzzle while waiting on lunch.

The waitress brought the Roosters an ice cream Sunday since they told her they would be seven "in four days" when she asked them how old they were.  Seven?!!  So hard to believe that the Roosters that had me running like a hen when they were chicks are now seven.

Here is a shot of a nest in one of the trees I keep up with to let me know when my school year will end.

I bought this menu board from Southern Living "back in the day" and use it to outline my week with just the important events.  I keep it at the end of our kitchen table so that I see it every day as I walk out the door.

The Roosters turn seven Thursday, so we are headed to the beach for a cold weekend there.  This will be the first time since last summer that we will use the camper.  The place we keep it has an indoor pool, so we are going to head to the ocean to celebrate their seven years on earth and our seven years of survival.  HA!  (Isaiah 41: 10)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Fitbit

"There's more to come:  We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next.  In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged.  Quite the contrary--we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!"  ~Romans 5: 3-5 (MSG)

Our workout group at school, better known as "the Forest", has survived eight days of Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred.  It really is pretty amazing how quickly the body can gain strength.  We were a pretty pitiful, oxygen gasping group the first couple of days.  By this past Tuesday almost all of us could do all of Level One without stopping.  (I will interject here that I can still not do push-ups--not even the modified version of them.  I have decided to just do them against the wall.)  A few of the ladies have even decided to do "the pacer challenge" that our PE teachers do with the kids.  If you walk/run over 3,000 laps by the end of the year, you get your footprint painted on the gym wall.  Coach Shell shared the info with me so that I could share it with the group.  There are four of us that have decided to see if we can reach "fame status" by the end of the year.  I think I have 50 laps so far.  Haha. 

One of the ladies in our group that has become a good friend of mine, Jen, told me about the app "fitbit" and the fitbit wristband.  I decided to order one and started wearing it last night.  It syncs all your exercise/caloric intake/sleep information to your phone app.  Jen is supposed to give me a crash course on how to use this little workout/fitness gadget.  I also decided to order the fitbit weight scale that will sync to my app.  Maybe this time I can make working out and eating healthy a lifestyle change instead of a short obsession.  HA!

This is the Fitbit flex band.  At this moment, I have one light that has been lit.  Probably means to get up and start moving.  Haha.  Actually, I think it means that I've reached some goal.  About the only thing I understand about this gadget is how to wear it.  HA!  (I won't even share how long it took me to get the thing on my wrist.  It was me not the difficulty of the actual band.  I have a learning disability when it comes to new gadgets.)

This yummy meal for St Paddy's Day was only eight points according to my Weight Watcher's calculator.  Needless to say that I'll be preparing this one a lot.
The Clucks "cleaned" up their Legos by lining all their Lego constructions in the hall.  Not exactly my idea of "cleaning up your Legos" but at least they were neat.  I snapped this shot of the Roosters with their masterpieces.  The look on John Ryan's face is priceless to me. 
Last night was our last night of the "Stronger" Bible study at Shandon.  I snapped a shot of part of the class before it got started.  I have truly enjoyed the women's Bible studies I have taken at Shandon.

I love this place!! 
I also love these two chicks.  This is Lisa and her newest little cluck Ellis.  So excited to be able to watch a little chicken grow up.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fellowship and Friends and Baby Ellis

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken." ~ Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12

Today was a day of fellowship with friends--new and old.  I have a ton of pictures, so once again, I'll let them tell the story.

Today our Sunday school class hosted family breakfast.  This is Nick waiting on everyone to arrive.  John Ryan just does not like getting his picture taken at all.

"Hm, I wonder if I can talk Mr. Stewart into letting me teach the class today??"

The wonderful and talented Mrs. Stewart and her youngest child Drew.  Is he not the cutest thing?!

Have mercy upon me.  I promise we do have a kitchen table and that my children do have meals there; however, you certainly can't tell from this picture.  The Roosters ended up sitting on the floor and using a chair as their table.

I enjoyed seeing the children of the adults in the class.  I don't know names yet but at least now I have faces.

The other side of the room.  I snapped this when class was getting ready to start.

The gentleman sitting is the wonderful and awesome Mr. Stewart.  I love the way he leads and teaches the class.  He's just got it.
The other gentleman standing is Jim Mixon the Sunday school director.  He keeps us up-to-date on happenings in the church and with our class.

This display of light bulbs is really cool.  A bulb is lit for every ten people BROUGHT to Shandon to visit.  It is a little hard to see the smaller bulb due to the regular lighting.  However, I love the way Dr. Lincoln stresses that it isn't about a number but about changing lives.

Look at this absolutely precious sleeping girl.  Ellis is gorgeous!!  

Hey, Blue Eyes!!  I could eat her with a spoon!!

Ellis and Clay

My Roosters and Miller putting together Legos

This was a letter to Ellis from Miller before she was born.  It says, "Welcome to our family, Ellis.  I love you.  From Miller!"  OMG!  I could just cry.  That is so sweet!!

And this disaster is the lemon pound cake I made to go with Lisa's meal.  Lovely.  Such another Lucy and Ethel moment for me.  Like Lucy, I tried to put it back together, and this is what it looked like (see below).

Is this what you call a crumb cake?  I texted Lisa these pictures before I arrived for my visit.  You know she is a long-time friend when she asked where her cake was.  I was NOT taking her something that looked like Hannibel Lecter got a hold to it.  I told her I would try again soon.  It was too hot when I tried to take it out the pan.  I knew better.  She said, "Girl, I would have eaten it that way."  Yes, she is a BEST friend for sure.

I'm such a good friend that once I got my hands on Ellis I forgot to get a picture of Lisa and me together or just Lisa and Ellis.  UGH.  I've asked Lisa to send me a picture of her and Ellis since I was in baby heaven.

Miller and Ellis 
A handsome rooster and the cutest chicken ever

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Working Out

I'm thinking it is going to take ALL the above DVDs for me to look like this!  :(

A few of the Forest Fitness Foxes waiting for everyone to change clothes and head to the gym.  Look at those beautiful smiles on Day One.

Some of the group...Kelly is in the back with her hands in the air excited about starting our adventure...

Donae (front red) trying to figure out if she wanted to stay in the front with so many people behind her.  She is a hoot.  

These were my "weights" for Day One...The video suggested that beginners start with 3 lb weights...I started with 14 oz corn cans...I could only find my 5 lb weights and I was not "busting out" with those to totally feel like a LOSER...

My workout kit

A new outfit is usually motivational

"If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." ~ 1 Corinthians 3: 17 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shandon Women's Retreat

After the ice storm last month where Atlanta residence were gridlocked on the Interstate for hours, I decided not to take a chance.  I packed a few snacks in my duffel bag just to be safe.

After even more thought, I also packed some fruit and toilet paper--just in case.  :)

I set my GPS in my car and headed out to pick up Alberta!!  Let the fun begin!!

This is Alberta leaving the hotel after being there for only five minutes.  It seems we ended up at the wrong location.  Alberta even called to make sure we were going to the right one as we had two different addresses.  The desk clerk told her we were correct.  We were not.  HA!  We unloaded everything only to have to walk it back to the car.  I don't know why, but I find things like this hilarious and laughed all the way back to the car.

We finally arrived only 25 minutes late but still in time to hear this beautiful lady lead us in worship through music and song.  She had a beautiful voice.

Welcome and introductions...Amy Peterson

The ladies that organize retreats and Women's Nights Out at Shandon do such a wonderful job with decorations and setting the atmosphere.  This weekend's theme was "Being Refreshed."

A few "props" for the photo booth

Waiting our turn at the photo booth

Yoga in the back corner, facials in another corner and manicures in another...As refreshing as all of these activities were, it was spending time with sisters in Christ and hearing His word that truly refreshed me...

Maria Owens (and I think that is her sister in the blue)

Alberta and me...I LOVE that lady!!

Beautiful Ladies

Say "Cheese"

I got Alberta to try sushi for the first time Saturday.  I only eat the California Rolls, so I guess I'm not a "true" sushi eater.
The look on Alberta's face in these pictures just cracks me up.  I just love her.

And here she goes.....

Biting the roll....

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...This look is priceless!!

I saw this at the mall while Alberta and I were tooling around.  It is a massage with water and you don't have to get undressed.  It looked neat.  I did think that it could be a little claustrophobic feeling though.

A new aquarium opened at the mall at Concord Mills.  The twins want to go to the Great Wolf Lodge for their birthday, so I was thinking we might be able to visit the aquarium which is near the lodge.  Not sure about that yet.

I had never seen one of these "refreshment" machines where the beverages slide to a drop box.  I took a picture of each step as the bottle traveled.  Alberta looked at me and said, "You are country, aren't you?"  Hahahahahahaha!!

Since the Colonel kept the boys while I went on my retreat, I thought I would take them to see The Lego Movie Sunday afternoon to give the Colonel some time to himself.  The Roosters really liked it.  I heard good things about it, but fell asleep when that older gentleman's Lego head fell off and didn't wake up until the movie was almost over.  I just didn't enjoy it all that much, but I think I was just tired.

And this was my last treat before starting my diet...I LOVE Firehouse meatball subs...Yummy!

Workout and dieting blog posts coming soon I'm sure!!