Monday, February 17, 2014

Snow, Earthquake, Heatwave

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. ~ Colossians 3: 16 

This past week has been rather unusual in the south.  In less than two weeks, we have had two snow/ice storms that have kept us out of school for a total of five days.  Saturday night I was reading in bed when the house shook.  I'm talking windows rattling and the house shaking like something exploded outside minus the noise.  We live near a military fort, but normally you don't hear tanks firing or weapons' qualifications late at night.  I thought something fell on the roof due to the ice, so I got up to check things out.  Nothing. Shortly after that, my phone and Blake's phone started going off with texts from people asking us if we felt the earthquake.  EARTHQUAKE?  WHAT?  It seems that Edgefield, SC, had an earthquake that registered 4.1.  (In Sunday school, one of the ladies said, "Come, Lord Jesus, come!"  Definitely a sign of the times.)  If winter storms and earthquakes (yes, I realize an earthquake is not considered weather) aren't enough, I read the weather forecast for my area for the rest of the week and the temperatures are supposed to reach 78 degrees Friday. Heatwave in February.  HA!  With that being said, I'll let the pictures finish telling my story.

This is another reason why I love Shandon Baptist.  The Clucks are getting sweet notes from Sunday school teachers.  I know a lot of churches do this when people visit, but we have been attending Shandon for almost a year, and we are still getting sweet messages like this.  It really feels like a second home.  I love it!!

I just started subscribing to this magazine. Remember I told you I have issues with magazine subscriptions.  It really is bad.  Well, I also have issues with cookbooks.  I love to buy and read cookbooks.  Now mind you, I am not that kind of gal that cooks all the time.  I sort of get on a roll.  I'll cook really big/good/different meals for a spell and then I get tired and I'll call the Colonel and ask him to please bring something home for supper.  Cooking sort of hits me in waves.  Anyway, this is a really good magazine with simple, non-flashy meals.  (I will say that the picture of chicken and waffles did nothing for me.  That actually looks rather gross to me.  However, the breakfast recipes on the inside were really good.  I love breakfast for dinner.)

My favorite soup is She-crab soup.  I could just dive in a pot and eat it until I died.  I've made it a few times and about killed myself on the 1,000 calorie bowl.  Because of the calories, I don't make it that often.  I recently saw this soup in Publix and thought I would try it.  It is really good.  The Colonel hasn't tried it yet, but I don't think this will be a keeper for him b/c it is a little spicy.  It is b/c of that that I liked it.  

I have no idea why this precious rooster was upset.  I have forgotten.  Probably yet another fight between him and his twin rooster.

This is Mouse's new bed he has made for himself.  Cats are just...well...different.

Valentine's Day was sort of hit and miss at our house.  We usually don't do anything special except I'll cook something "different."  This year we had the ice storm, but the Colonel surprised me with more flowers.  I have no idea where he got them b/c everything was shut down around here during the ice storm.  I guess when you are out in it working 16 hour days you run across a few places trying to make a living.  

Do you ever order anything off QVS or HSN?  I usually don't.  I think I have ordered one thing way back when.  It was some cooking thing that I used one time.  Anyway, one Saturday I was watching this infomercial for Cindy Crawford's "Meaningful Beauty" skin care line.  I totally disregarded televisions use of technology and became amazed at the melon that didn't rot.  (Good marketing strategy)  Forget the fact that human skin is nowhere near that of a melon rind.  (Blame it on the rain.  Wasn't that a song "back in the day?")  Anyway, for ONLY $39.95 I could have Cindy Crawford's flawless (airbrushed to death) skin.  I was sold.  (Sucker)  I ordered the stuff.  I've used it for about a month.  I actually like it, but I am looking nothing like Cindy did in the infomercial or in the brochure that came with the lotions.  I don't only use this.  I alternate with a Retinol cream every other night too.  Skin is softer but wrinkles are not going anywhere.  Sigh.

Love my crazy crew!!

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