Yes, our God is an organized God. Look at the way He went about creating the earth for us. However, this daughter of His is so NOT organized. My brain does not even think in that way. When I clean my house, I look like a chicken with her head cut off. I'm from one thing to the next, and I look like I'm creating more of a mess than actually cleaning anything.
I have been blessed this year with a coworker that is super organized and is the total opposite of me. Laina is THE Type-A model person. Then I have my friend Jenn who is ADD like myself but has come up with some wonderful ways to mange her life so that you would never guess her brain worked like mine. It has been such a relief to finally find someone who understands the difficulties of being an adult with ADD. We started sharing things that we do or have done in the past, and it is like we are twins separated at birth. When we talk, you hear a lot of "YES!" and "OMG! I know exactly what you mean!!" or "Me, too!!" I have been getting so many great organization tips from both of these ladies. I will say that I always preface my advice questions to Laina with a "Laina, now please make it simple or my brain won't be able to handle it." She laughs and usually says, "Okay, I promise this will be easy. You can do this, I promise." I am very serious that these two women have been a blessing to me.
So with all that being said, I have started off my new year exactly like I do every year--trying to be better organized. It usually lasts for about a month. Maybe this will be THE YEAR I can make it longer than the month of January. :)
Here are a few pictures from the past few days...
I've been working on weekly meal plans. I can only manage a week at a time. I am taking baby steps. I'll progress to two weeks when I feel I can handle it. I have been trying one new EASY recipe a week. I'm too tired after work to deal with complicated meal preparations, so I am only looking for simple recipes to try.
This was not a new recipe, but it was part of a meal this week--stuffed bell peppers with ground beef and rice. Not spicy enough for me. Seemed to lack something, but I don't exactly know what it was. ???
Nick Rooster in the waiting room Sunday evening on Post at the minute clinic. The Roosters had been running a fever for about three days and I was tired of sickness.
Poor John Ryan laying down in one of the rooms waiting on the doctor to see him. Look how pale he is and how weak his eyes are. I hate to see my children sick.
The sunset from my front porch one day this week. Gorgeous!
I just love God's morning and evening artwork.
Another day of sickness...So pale
I found the big Rooster asleep on the living room sofa because the den sofa was filled with the Clucks.
Nick fell asleep on the way home from school today. I realized today that I can no longer carry the Clucks in from the car. They are too heavy for me. Sadness.
For the past two days, the schools around our area have had two-hour delays due to low temperatures. There were frost-bite concerns for children having to wait at bus stops in the below freezing temperatures. I took this shot on my way to work yesterday at 10:00 AM. It was only 17 degrees at ten with the sun shining. The funny thing is that by the end of the week the temperatures are forecast to be in the 70s. I don't mind cold weather, but the temperatures for the past two days have been far colder than this southern gal likes to endure.
I love this cartoon I read at a cafe at Universal Studios (either there or Disney). It reads like this:
Frame 1: "Ahah! A trap!"
Frame 2: Lion sees a pretty butterfly flying by and focuses on it.
Frame 3: "Doggone beautiful!"
Frame 4: (Lion hanging upside down caught by the trap.) "I hate my attention span!"
This cartoon totally explains what it is like to be me on a daily basis.
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