Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Free Day

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.  Isaiah 55: 8

Today I didn't have to work b/c the Forest had a four-day weekend.  While other teachers in my district had a workday, being a year-round school gave us this day free.  The little clucks had to go to school because they attend school in a different district than where I teach.  Blake was off today with me, so I asked the big rooster if he wanted to hang out with me.  His excited response was, "Yeah, sure," as he was yawning and stretching and rolling over.  Here is our day (which began at 11:00 AM--I know we were sloths) in pictures with a few extra from yesterday...

Lunch today was Five Guys.  Now that Blake will finally eat hamburger meat, we get to go to burger joints.  However, he is still very picky about where he will go for a burger.  

What did any of us do before cell phones with data?

We both love fries from Five Guys. He eats his with the malt vinegar.  Gross.


Oh, no!!  It is "throw back" to my day at Old Navy!!  Actually, I think oxford shirts (which is what we called them)  Old Navy had an entire section of "back in the day" shirts except they didn't have the button-down collar.  Does that make it more "hip" or updated?  Now that I am the person who does the laundry, I left the shirts right where you see them.  I am NOT ironing those things.  (Although I will admit that a crisp, well-ironed shirt oxford shirt with jeans looks really sharp.)

I bought this cute sweater with the anchor oxford to go under it.  I figured if it was wrinkled under the sweater who would know and I certainly don't care.

I loved this scarf.  Reminds me of spring.  

Found this red shirt dress for $25.  Cute for school.

Yesterday I had my check-up at the optometrist office.  I have issues seeing at a distance with my right eye, so I wear glasses. However, lately I have had trouble reading with my left eye.  After my exam, the doctor informed me that I needed bifocals.  WHAT?!!  I was a little on the depressed side once she told me that, so I picked out these black frames.  If I have to look old, I at least want to try to look smart.  Thank goodness for technology and Progressive lens.

Selfie of my old self

Blake went with me to pick-up the roosters from school.  They think he hung the moon.  Love those three!

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