Friday, January 31, 2014

Friends at Work and Other Odds

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people  Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ."  Colossians 3: 23-24

No school for me today but not by choice.  John Ryan was sick and has been for the past four days.  The Colonel took him to the doctor yesterday, and the little cluck was still not well enough to go to school today so it was my turn to stay home with him.  I hope this ends soon b/c the poor child has lost four pounds in four days.  That is not good.  At least the medication he got yesterday is allowing him to keep fluids down.

I took advantage of being home and got some things done around the house.  That made me feel like I was somewhat productive.  However, my phone rang off the hook with telemarketers.  Something really needs to be done about them.  I have my name on that "do not call" list that obviously doesn't work.  I think I'm going to do what I did when Nick learned to talk and just put him on the phone with them and let him entertain them.  HA!  I also registered for the women's retreat that Shandon is having in March.  Guess who my roomie is?  The fabulous Mrs. Stewart.  I can't wait! 

I wanted to share some pictures of some of the people I spend most of my day with--my Forest friends.  Two of the ladies in the Forest are going to have first babies, so we had a shower for them.  What fun!!

I thought Ellen did a great job transforming her classroom. 

Waiting for the guests of honor to arrive.  They are both having girls!!

Watching the ladies open their gifts (You can't see them; they are to the right)

Ah, there they are!!


Waiting for the ladies to arrive...The gal in the peach sweater with her tongue out would be my team member Laina.  The tall guy holding up the wall is "Bowtie" or MISTER Brandon McIntosh another team member.  (My friend Margaret and I started calling him "Bowtie" last year b/c he wears them almost every day.)  I'm laughing as I look at these pictures b/c we were all leaning against the walls.  It was the end of the day Monday.  We all have that "OMG! I can't believe I have four more days of this" look.


More of the crowd
This pretty young lady is Kaitlyn.  She teaches across the hall from me.  She did her student teaching in the Meadow where I used to work before heading to the Forest.  At the end of school last year, my principal asked would I talk to her about the Forest b/c he wanted to hire her.  During the summer, we met for lunch and talked about life in the Forest.  She decided to come to the Forest to teach.  She is doing a great job.  Such a sweet gal with a heart for Forest kids.  She has also been visiting Shandon and really likes it. Anyway, this is her engagement picture and another friend in the Forest. 
No, you are not seeing double.  Well, actually I guess you are.  Yes, you are seeing two of the same sweaters.  This is what I get for buying clothes in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep.  I was flipping and flopping one night last week, so I decided to see what sales were happening in cyber space.  Gap was having a huge one.  I guess I was a lot more tired than I thought b/c today when my package arrived, I saw that I had ordered the same sweater twice.  I texted Alberta to see if she wanted it.  If I can't sing like Alberta, I can at least say that I dress like her.  HA! 
I bought this scarf from Zulily.  I loved the ivory lace on the edges.  When it arrived today, I happened to have this "just arrived" Gap boyfriend shirt out on my bed.  It matches perfectly! 
Poor John Ryan...He has been on the couch for days now...The nausea medicine puts him out...The doctor called today to check on him...She said if he wasn't better by Monday she wanted to see him again...I just hate when my children are sick...
I'm still waiting on my new glasses to come in...I am in dire need of them...Switching between my regular glasses and reading glasses is the pits...I just hope I adjust to the "no line" bifocals quickly...And, yes, these are the actual frames I selected...The more I look at them, the more I realize they remind me of my grandfather's glasses...I loved the way we would go to restaurants and he would pull his glasses from his shirt pocket to read the menu then slide them back after he was done...Funny the little things you remember about the people you love...
Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I'm trying to make it a goal to write posts more often, so I hope to talk to you again soon.


Thursday, January 30, 2014


"Do all things without complaining and disputing..." Philippians 2: 14

I found myself grumbling again today.  I was grumbling because I had to go to school after being home two days due to the snow.  I wanted yet another day.  Two days wasn't good enough; I wanted more.  This afternoon after I got home from work, I started thinking about wanting more.  I thought about my grumbling.  Grumbling?  No big deal--Everyone grumbles at one time or another.  There are definitely people that grumble more than I do.  Grumbling isn't so bad, is it?  It is just human nature, right?  Then I started thinking about the Hebrew people after their deliverance from Egypt while traveling through the wilderness.  Talk about some grumbling people.  Every time I read their story, I think "Boy do these people get on my nerves.  Really?!  God opens up an entire sea for them to walk through and they have the nerve to grumble and complain in between the miracles!  Really?!"  Then, I put myself in check--don't I do the same thing?  What do I do in-between the "wow factors" in my life when I don't "feel" those spiritual highs?  I find myself not in prayer as much.  I find myself getting slack in my Bible reading.  I find myself not making more of an effort to connect with God.  I just see myself becoming spiritually slack, and I'm grumbling about life more.  I tend to think and see myself as constantly drawing the short straw--grumble, grumble, grumble.  And what does this grumbling accomplish?  Nothing you might say.  Oh, but it does. It allows satan the perfect opportunity to get into our heads and plant his vicious lies.  He waits for this time to attack.  I'm sure he gets that Grinch-like grin on his evil face, rubs his hands together and starts telling us that God doesn't love us, that God has forgotten us, that God is tired of us and has left us in our time of need, that God's promises really aren't for everyone.  That is one thing that grumbling accomplishes--an opening for satan to get a foothold.  Yikes!

Have you noticed when reading about the Hebrew's journey through the wilderness that there was always a time of waiting?  A time of patience after each miracle?  A time when the Israelites were to trust God's love and protection and promises even when the miracles were slamming them?  Was God showing them (and us) that blessings don't come without first learning dependence on God?  Without showing faithfulness?  Did God allow the Red Sea circumstances and their disappointments to build their reliance on Him?  Was He trying to show them I will provide?  I love you!?  I keep my promises?  

What do I do in my in-between times?   Do I patiently wait on the Lord?  Do I remember His goodness?  His past blessings?  The way He met my needs so perfectly in the past?  Or do I grumble?  Do I complain?  Oh, shoot!  I find that I do the exact thing the Hebrews did!!  Yep, I grumble and complain.  I forget God's goodness.  So, what should I do in my in-between times?  Philippians 2: 14 says that I should "do everything without complaining or arguing."  Paul told the Philippian church to "rejoice in the Lord anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  So, what should I think about?  Paul has the answer again, "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.  (Phil. 4: 4, 6, 8)  Grumbling and complaining are bad.  Scripture says that "we must not put Christ to the test, as {Israel} did and were destroyed by serpents, nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer" (1 Cor. 10: 9-10)  Grumbling against the plans God has for our lives is very serious and very costly.  Our in-between times are part of God's plan.  A grumbling spirit robs each of us of what God wants to teach us during out in-between times.  It keeps us from getting the most out of your journey with God.  We are NEVER to stand in judgment upon God and His plans for us.  Maybe it is best that we remember Isaiah 61:3 ("To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.  In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for His own glory.") and ask God to turn our bitterness into something sweet.  We serve a God who is more than able!!  We serve a God that wants to do these things for us if we will only ask and trust Him! 

"In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."  1 Peter 1: 6-7  Instead of grumbling, I need to remember to focus on Christ! 

Here are a few pictures from my day (of grumbling)...

This little gal is leaving me today to go to another school.  Her family recently moved and she is no longer in the zone to attend "the Forest."  I am going to miss her.  She was such a joy to teach and made me laugh often.  Good luck, Girlie!  You will be missed!!  (Alberta, notice I'm in flannel!!  Haha!  We had a delayed start so it didn't really feel like a real teaching day.  It felt like a flannel, stay warm kinda day.  Looks like it also felt like a "do nothing with my head" kinda day too.  HA!)

John Ryan went to see the doctor today.  He hasn't eaten anything in three days.  Poor baby.  The doctor gave him some meds to help with the nausea.  He still isn't eating that much but at least the fluids are able to stay down.

I ordered these from Gap recently and they came today.  The pink reminded me of spring and I think spring fever is beginning to creep up on me early.  However, I am NOT going to grumble about the cold weather b/c all things need to rest including nature. 
Tomorrow I'm going to share some pictures of my friends in the Forest.  Such a fun group!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow in the South!!

"“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool." ~Isaiah 1:18 ESV 

It has been cold here in the south!  The roosters and I have been home for the past two days b/c schools have been cancelled.  The Colonel, on the other hand, has had to work late the last few days b/c he has had to coordinate with the Governor's office regarding what support the SC Guard needs to provide.  The Colonel is the director of logistics for the Guard in our state, so he has been on "go" since the threat of sever weather hit the airwaves.  I'm sure he is glad things are settling down.  

While the kids have loved the snow, and I have loved being home without the added stress of schoolwork, I am not really a snow person.  It is cold, wet, and looks yucky when things start clearing up.  I love the "sound" of the earth when it does snow, but I really don't care for snow like some people do. For me, the perfect snow day would be inside, with a fire, warm food and a book. I'll take looking at the white blanket from my living room window.  

Again, pictures are easier to tell our story for the past few days...Here is my crew in all our southerness...HA

The first snow day off from school found us all home (except the Colonel) with no snow!  I am grateful that the districts called it early b/c I feel for the students in Atlanta that got snowed in and all the people on the Interstate that took forever to get home.  I was reading one gal's blog, and she said it took her husband 16 hours to get home.  I can't imagine.  That's enough time to get to the Mouse House and back. 
I cooked a crockpot full of chicken and dumplings.  So good and just hit the spot on such a cold night.  We are having left-overs tonight.  It is freezing outside!!

When we went to Disney/Universal over the CHRISTmas break, we went on the "Twister" sound stage and got to experience a portion of the movie.  The Roosters thought it was so cool and have been begging to see the movie.  I rented it from Netflix and it came yesterday.  We curled up on the sofa and watched it. I couldn't believe the boys watched the entire thing.  Nick was mesmerized the entire show.  It was neat to watch the movie after learning how some scenes were made.

And this poor baby has a stomach bug.  John Ryan stayed on the couch with a trash can next to him most of the day.  He slept a good bit but ate next to nothing.

These were on sale a Publix, so I decided to try them.  OMG!  They are so good.  They make different flavors but only the lemon seemed to "speak" to me.  Definitely my new "go to" when I want a little something sweet.

Look how big it is!!  Nothing like a catalog, Dt Mt Dew and Newton Lemon Crisps.

These were my snow boots today.  I have found that Jessica Simpson makes the most comfortable yet stylish boots.  (These are Simpson boots but they are on the no glam side.  They look great with jeans though.)

Nick is ALL BOY!  He had snow everywhere and never complained once during our walk.  

Nick's snow angel...John Ryan was not about to lay down in that cold, wet, mess...He is my OCD child--very neat and analytical...Total opposite of his twin...

Nick had more snow on him than we had in our yard I do believe!!

This is the way we do "snow" in the south.  

Walking through the neighborhood

My John Ryan was such a trooper...Even feeling yuck, he walked with us...Poor thing

Blake doing something...???

Potato soup was lunch today...So good...

And this was John Ryan for most of the day...Breaks my heart that he isn't feeling good...I think the Colonel is taking him to the doctor tomorrow...Bug isn't going away...Going to find out what is going on with this little cluck...

And I guess it is back to work tomorrow...Districts around us are on a two hour delay and I just got the call from my district that we should report to school two-hours later than normal...Fun and games are over...It's back to the real world...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice." ~ Philippians 4:4

Yes, I am doing my happy dance tonight.  It comes right after the snow dance a few coworkers and I did after school today.  It worked!!  We have no school tomorrow!!  

This past week has been busy.  It's easier to tell the story in pictures. 

I really need to find a new pair of shades.  Blake calls me "Hollywood" b/c he says I look like the actresses that wear them when they are looking rough and trying to hide.  HA!

I started my winter Bible study at Shandon this past week.  Large group of ladies but I think the study will be good.

I did this to give my coworkers a little chuckle.  I found this braid on my floor.  I am sure it belongs to a student that I had to tell to please stop putting her hair in during my math class.  When I found it on the floor, I hot glued it to the outside of my classroom door with a "Lost and Found" note above it.  My coworkers took pictures of it and told me it was priceless.  

This is how I drive.  Usually my cell phone is in my seat along with my Dt Mt Dew.  Yes, I have a cup holder, but usually it is filled with something other than a drink.  My SUV is a mess.  (Yep, wearing my favorite "boyfriend" jeans again.)

Hit pay dirt this weekend.  I got two tops, four scarves, a pair of earrings, toothpaste and gum for less than fifty bucks!  This top was three dollars!

Sweetness or ET?  HA!

Pork rolled around spinach and mozzarella cheese...The Colonel loved it; I disliked it.  Not going on the "keeper" list.

Publix was out of the pecan bars, so I decided to try the roasted almond.  OMG!  Delicious!  I eat these every morning on my way to work.  Perfect breakfast along with a Diet Mt Dew.

I have a thing for roosters in my kitchen.  I thought this one would be cute for spring.  

My earrings I found.  

OMG!  Now THIS chili is a "keeper."  It was so good.  I jazzed it up with onion, diced tomatoes, bell pepper and kidney beans.  I had this with a big hunk of cornbread.  LOVED IT!!


I was craving fried pickles so I picked this up from the grocery store.  I think I over-cooked them.  They were hard and not the flavor I was wanting.  

Sunday I got to the sanctuary early b/c our Sunday school class got out early so the choir members could get to the choir room.  Alberta (You know her as the fabulous Mrs. Stewart) was finishing up a little practice session before worship.  I recorded a few seconds of her practicing.  (Below)  My phone video recorder does not do her justice. I agree with our pastor when he said that hearing Alberta Stewart sing is like a little piece of heaven.  It isn't just her voice, but her spirit when she sings.  Sure she is singing for us, but you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt, she is singing for her Jesus.  She has such joy on her face and you can feel the words she sings.  It is hard to explain.  Literally every time Alberta sings, I have goose bumps all over me the entire time she is singing.  It is pure worship.  Maybe that is the best words to describe her singing--pure worship filled with love.

I hope you'll continue to pray for the homeless family that I told you about in a previous post.  Our guidance counselor has found housing for the mother and her six children, but the paperwork always takes time when dealing with government agencies.  They are still in a hotel and teachers at our school are helping to pay for their stay until things get worked out with their new home.  We are praying that this family is in their new home soon, and the children adjust to their new school as the move will take them out of town.  We are trusting that the Lord has a plan for this mother and her six children and that He is working this sad situation out for good.  How comforting to all of us to know that our God is the same today as He was yesterday--that He does not change.  He loves all His children and "knows the plans He has for us."

Stay warm!