Thursday, December 5, 2013

More CHRISTmas Ramblings

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ~ Colossians 1: 15-17

Today one of my packages from Amazon arrived.  I bought a few before CHRISTmas things for the boys.  While we have Ernie the Elf, I don't like for elves and Santa to be the main focus at home.  The children get enough of that every time we walk into a store or turn on the TV.  I can hardly find a CHRISTmas card without a Santa or snowman on it.  It is just so sad.  Anyway, here are a few pictures from today...

Okay, so this before CHRISTmas present was kinda sorta for me.  I collect Nativity scenes.  Every year, if I find one that really speaks to me, I'll buy it.  Technically, it is for the children b/c one day they will inherit them.  This year I searched and searched and finally found The Willow Tree Nativity (at least the first six pieces) at a good price.  I collect Willow Tree figurines and have been eyeing this Nativity for years.  

I need to move things off this table, but I had to go ahead and display it.  It makes me happy to see the simplicity of the figures plus the meaning that it holds.  Isn't this so much better than a gaudy Santa?

The next pictures are just for laughs.  You'll understand once you see them.  

This is a Willow Tree figurine that is supposed to be Grandpa and Grandson.  Blake gave it to the Colonel for Father's Day one year b/c he thought it looked the most like he and his dad.

This is the Mother and Son Willow Tree figurine.  Notice anything unusual?  Yep, the mother has no head.  Thank you, Roosters.  

This one is called "Together".  The Colonel bought it for me a few years ago.  Notice the husband's head is "dislocated".  Again, the roosters.  Why do I even try to collect these?

I bought this Advent book for the boys.  It has a story to read each night.

This was last year's Nativity that I purchased.  I fell in love with it time I saw it.  I found it at Hobby Lobby and it was the last one left.  I loved it because of the scriptures written on each figure.  However, when I got it home, THE BABY JESUS WAS GONE!!  I was going to return it, but I loved it too much, so I made a manger and baby Jesus to go with it.  I haven't put it out yet or I would have taken a picture of it.  This is the outside of the box.  

I hope my children always fill their homes with the true meaning of CHRISTmas.

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