Tuesday, December 3, 2013

CHRISTmas Ramblings

"When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." Luke 2: 15

I just love that God sends His angels to invite shepherds to greet the Lamb of God (John 1:36).  The Messiah has been born and God sends angels to shepherds first, and Christ becomes our shepherd and savior.  Isn't it great news that Jesus comes to all--the plain and the ordinary?  May we all have humble hearts that accept Jesus just as the shepherds did, and may we all have the courage to do as they did--RUN to see Jesus and then spread the WORD. 

Our CHRISTmas (Yes, I always spell CHRISTmas like that now.  I think we all need to be constantly reminded that Jesus is why we have CHRISTmas.)  tree is up, and I love walking around it looking at the ornaments.  I don't have one of those beautifully decorated florist-looking trees; however, I do have a beautifully meaningful tree.  Every ornament on the tree has some meaning to it.  I must add that even the old ornaments are getting new meaning.  You'll understand more if you keep reading.  Here are a few of my favorite ornaments.

This is my absolute favorite ornament that is on the tree.  I love the verse ~ Romans 8:32 ~ "He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all--how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?"  What an amazing love that is!!

My friend Louise made this sea shell angel for me.  I have two of them and I just think they are so sweet.

Yes, it is ugly, but it reminds me of the best vacation we have ever had.  One fall we took Blake to see Thomas the Tank Engine in North Carolina.  A town a few miles away was having its Wooly Worm Festival which we stumbled across.  We stopped and let Blake enjoy the rides and we looked at crafts.  It was also Blake's first helicopter ride.  It was just the best four day weekend ever. 

My "teacher" friend, Sally, from the Meadow brought back this ornament from Africa for me.  I love thinking about old friends as I do my "tree walk."

Ah, my wise men riding on a ??  What is that, you ask?  You can't tell?  Why it is a headless, legless camel!  Duh!  This is one of those old ornaments that is gaining new meaning thanks to roosters.  They dropped him (several times) and the legs and head fell off.  No, I will not throw it away!!  It has great meaning.  AND have you thought how God revealed His son to shepherds AND to kings and Christ is known as both our SHEPHERD and OUR KING?  Don't you just love the way God gives meaning to all He does and the way He does things?  I so wish I understood more than I do. 

This was made by Blake in his science class in fifth grade.  He was a Dallas Cowboy's fan and made this for our tree.  (When he brought it home, I thought it was the Star of David and was so proud that Blake would make this at school.  Then he just burst that bubble when he announced it was the star for the Cowboys.  Ugh!)
Oh, this lovely, ugly, meaningful creature.  This is some dog reindeer from some story when Blake was little.  I think he got it in a Happy Meal and insisted that we put it on the tree.  He had TWO and TWO still grace our tree.  I tried so hard to get him to "let's not put that one on", but he would have nothing to do with my suggestion.  It was his "fave-wit".   Now, 13 years later, I can't bear not to have both of them on the tree. 

"Miss" Terry (who shares the same birthday that I do) helped me teach Mission Friends to the Littles at Lawtonville Baptist in Estill, SC.  Every Wednesday evening we did, I know, at least seven different activities to try and teach and entertain four-year-olds.  Those Littles (mine included) had the attention span about as long as a gnat's eyelash.  Anyway, "Miss" Terry made these thumb-print ornaments at one of our stations one Wednesday night.  This was mine--a running around chicken!  (She should have made it headless b/c I am sure I looked like a chicken with my head cut off in that room!)

Nick made this in Mrs. Miner's four-year-old class at Asbury.  A good resemblance of our CHRISTmas tree, huh?  HAHA!

This ornament is almost 25 years old.  The Colonel hangs it at the top of the tree to keep the Roosters away from it.  It is our "First CHRISTmas Together" ornament.  We had to find one with snow on it b/c the first CHRISTmas we were married it actually snowed!  We have pictures of us sweeping the snow out the back of his Ford Ranger. 

The Roosters and I bought this for the Colonel this year since he purchased his lovely camper for Father's Day this year.  We do not want him to forget the year he turned our family into "happy campers." (Oh, the "happy" -cough, cough - vacation pictures we have this year.  Haha!  Seriously though, I think we enjoyed it more than he did.  I hear he has been trying to sell the camper to anyone that mentions liking camping.)
And this precious Rooster made me a mom sixteen years ago.  I just love this kid so much!!
This is on my CHRISTmas list this year.  (I know Santa is going to bring it b/c I just ordered it.  Haha!)  Dr. Jeremiah is one of my favorite pastors.  If you have never listened to one of his sermons, you are missing out. 

Another item on my "wish list."  Besides "I love you", God says this to me often.

Last night's notes from my Bible study video.  The lesson REALLY spoke to me.  Can you tell? 

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