Monday, September 2, 2013

Fall Fashion 2013

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. ~ 2 Timothy 4: 2-4
Since today was Labor Day and I didn't have to teach, I got the chance to watch the Today Show.  The ladies were showing upcoming Fall trends.  I thought I would find the top ten online and give my two-cents worth on them.  Please keep in mind that I really have no sense of fashion.  I can copy looks, but I am not one that can throw things together especially trendy looks.  I am a more traditional/classic dresser.

1. Capes

I could probably handle a cape, but I'm thinking they would get in the way when it comes to dragging all my stuff in and out of school.  I might want to rethink this look.

2. Academically-Inspired

I like button-up shirts with sweaters but only for school.  However, I do like the gingham button-ups for a more girlie look.

3. Over-The-Thigh Boots

I really like these boots but at 46 I have to be careful about not trying to look 26.  On the today show, they had them pared with leggins and a button-up with cardigan.  It looked boring.

4. ‘60s Mod

Fashion article said the 60's Mod look was a spin-off of the Twiggy dresses.  Since plaid is a big, does that mean that they will come in plaid.

5. Pleated Skirts

I don't need anything to make me look wider.  I think I'll stick to my pencil skirts.

6. Hats

No, No, No, and No.  I don't do hats except at Halloween.

7. Menswear Fabrics

Not my favorite, but I will admit that I have two skirt suits with men inspired fabrics and a couple of pairs of slacks.  How many times have I worn the skirt suits?  NONE!  Maybe this year.

8. Emerald Green

I love this color! I am seeing a closet full of green this year.

9. Oversized Coats

Yeah, these will look really good on my short self--NOT!  Okay, so I am rethinking the cape yet again. 

10. Leather (Not Just Accessories)

Love, love, love, love, love, love leather!!!  At the CAbi show I attended last week, fleather was big in her collect.  (faux-leather)  It is a little more affordable, but let's face it, nothing can take the place of real leather.  MMMMmmmm!
I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day.  This is what the Roosters did most of the day:
They spent their day playing on the computer and Wii.  Oh, and notice no more ugly, dirty den rug.  I found one I liked Sunday afternoon.  The Colonel and Big Rooster rolled it out for me and the den looks 100% better.


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