Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven ~ Psalm 107: 28-30
Shandon has this red chair campaign going. The red chairs are a reminder to everyone to invite people to Sunday School. It goes along with Shandon's "Power of One" invitations. It has been so interesting to hear the stories each Sunday of how God has used just one person's invitation to church to reach so many others.
I wish I would have pulled my phone out earlier as a new Sunday school member signed the red chair in our class today. This is a picture of Jim, our Sunday school director, talking about "the chair."
I just snapped this photo of the Walk for Life announcement before services started. I was thinking it might be fun to join the team, but I am wondering if I can walk that far that early in the morning. I am so not a morning person.
Fish face self photo this AM. It is amazing how much bigger your nose looks in "selfies."
Blake's MRSA is gone. Praise God! I can't tell you how fortunate he was. It was ironic (No, it was so God) the timing of his contracting MRSA. Just prior to Blake saying, "Mom, take a look at my knee" I had to view the video in school on MRSA and precautions that teachers need to take. Then, in Sunday school, a couple was sharing an update on their son's condition after he contracted MRSA this summer. God just placed MRSA on my brain so that when Blake showed me the tiny sores on his knee, I didn't just blow him off. At first glance, the spots truly looked like infected ant bites. When I looked at them, a slide from the school's video flashed in my brain and caused me to take a better look. I told Blake the sores on his knee just didn't set well with me, and I wanted him to see a doctor and just have them checked. We made an appointment, doctor did a swab for a culture and went ahead and started him on an antibiotic. A few days later, the Colonel got the call that Blake did indeed have MRSA and the antibiotic he was on should take care of it. Prayers were answered and Blake's knee is healed and never got any worse. This small yet significant situation reminds me of week one in my Bible study on Gideon. Shirer said, "To see God move, we have to be in situations where God needs to move. Our passion for the Lord comes from seeing the work of the Lord in our lives."