Sunday, September 29, 2013

Red Chairs, Church and MRSA

Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven ~ Psalm 107: 28-30

Shandon has this red chair campaign going.  The red chairs are a reminder to everyone to invite people to Sunday School.  It goes along with Shandon's "Power of One" invitations.  It has been so interesting to hear the stories each Sunday of how God has used just one person's invitation to church to reach so many others. 

I wish I would have pulled my phone out earlier as a new Sunday school member signed the red chair in our class today.  This is a picture of Jim, our Sunday school director, talking about "the chair."

I just snapped this photo of the Walk for Life announcement before services started.  I was thinking it might be fun to join the team, but I am wondering if I can walk that far that early in the morning.  I am so not a morning person.

Fish face self photo this AM.  It is amazing how much bigger your nose looks in "selfies." 
Blake's MRSA is gone.  Praise God!  I can't tell you how fortunate he was.  It was ironic (No, it was so God) the timing of his contracting MRSA.  Just prior to Blake saying, "Mom, take a look at my knee" I had to view the video in school on MRSA and precautions that teachers need to take.  Then, in Sunday school, a couple was sharing an update on their son's condition after he contracted MRSA this summer.  God just placed MRSA on my brain so that when Blake showed me the tiny sores on his knee, I didn't just blow him off.  At first glance, the spots truly looked like infected ant bites.  When I looked at them, a slide from the school's video flashed in my brain and caused me to take a better look.  I told Blake the sores on his knee just didn't set well with me, and I wanted him to see a doctor and just have them checked.  We made an appointment, doctor did a swab for a culture and went ahead and started him on an antibiotic.  A few days later, the Colonel got the call that Blake did indeed have MRSA and the antibiotic he was on should take care of it.  Prayers were answered and Blake's knee is healed and never got any worse.  This small yet significant situation reminds me of week one in my Bible study on Gideon.  Shirer said, "To see God move, we have to be in situations where God needs to move.  Our passion for the Lord comes from seeing the work of the Lord in our lives."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Some days it is really hard to "count it all joy" and remember that we are exactly where God needs us to be in so that He can complete a work in us.  Today was one of those "yuck" days for me where I just wanted to start over.  It started with the simple fact that I did not feel like teaching.  I literally sat at my desk when I got to school and prayed for God to take away my apathetic attitude and give me the strength to make it to 2:20.  He is faithful, merciful and loving and gives us exactly what we need.  I made it, but I must have looked at the clock 500 hundred times to make sure it was still working.  Several things happened during my school day that just got on my nerves, but I made it and left immediately after the buses left. 

As I was sitting in my car just breathing and being thankful that 2:20 had finally arrived, my cell rings and it is the Colonel.  He was calling to tell me that Blake's test results came back for the sore on his knee.  It wasn't staph.  Nope.  It was MRSA.  There is a blessing in that story though for when Blake showed me his knee I had just seen a video at school on MRSA.  We got him an appointment, and the doctor decided to go ahead and start him on an antibiotic.  Praise God for that video, for the open relationship I have with my teenager, and a doctor that had some common sense.  This situation could have been a lot worse. (Please pray with us that his knee will continue to heal.  Thank you.) 

So, with that bit of information added to my yuck day, I come home to just breathe before I go get the Roosters from aftercare.  When I pulled under the carport, I saw a flyer on the door.  It was from SCE&G letting us know that they need to replace our gas line and that any damage to the yard will be corrected.  (This may be a blessing since we have the ugliest yard in the history of the world!)  However, the gas will have to be turned off, and I'm hoping it will all be done before I get home from school as our hot water heater is gas.  After a few moments of alone time at home, I head to get the Roosters.

Got to school to pick up the kids and John Ryan is in the cafĂ© with an ice pack plastered to the side of his face.  This is what I saw when he pulled the ice pack away...
And this is what supper looks like for the family whose cook has had a rough day....
It is eggplant parmesan.  Guess what?  None of us really like eggplant.  I cook it once in a blue moon just for something different.  After a little hunk of it, I always remember why I don't cook it a lot.  HA!
I am well aware that if this is as bad as a day will get then I have much to be thankful for and please know that I am.  I realize that there are tons of people that would gladly trade my day for theirs.  Maybe a better way to describe my day would be frustrating or tiring.  However, whatever adjective I use to describe it, I am thankful that I was given this day and I will try to remember that I am right where God needs me to be today.
How was your day?  :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Judging Others

My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? ~ James 2: 1-13

I didn't go to work today.  The Roosters had their annual well-check and I didn't want to worry about my sub arriving on time so that I could get them out of school and make it across town to the pediatrician's office. 

I spent my morning cleaning the house that has been neglected due to my illness last week and then I decided to complete the homework for my Wednesday night Bible study.  This week's homework was focusing on God commissioning Gideon.  It got me thinking, but doesn't God's word always do that to us.  I was thinking about Gideon--the farmer.  The scared farmer hiding in a winepress in order to thresh his wheat.  If we were in the military and asked to follow a general that was found afraid, under an oak tree hiding in order to do his job, would we join his ranks?  I bet not.  But that got me asking the question that I try to teach my children to ask and that Grandmother taught me to ask myself, "Who are we to judge?" 

I had the misfortune, or maybe it was fortunate, to work in a school where teachers were judged not by their performance but more so by their appearance and wealth.  The parents were also judged by their wealth and positions and received "favors" based on their social class.  It was sickening.  The longer I stayed there the dirtier I felt.  I never got the feeling that I was to do more than I tried to do to change things.  I think now I was there for God to show me where I was to serve Him in teaching.  I thought I would be happier at this particular school but soon learned that God didn't want or need me there--at least not any longer than I stayed.  I think about the people that this principal found "worthy" of her tasks, of the parents and children who were "worthy" of being listened to and taken seriously and then I look at whom God called to do His work in the Bible.  Let's see some of the people God has used:  There was Jacob, a deceiver, who was used to "father" the Israelite nation.  Then there was Joseph, a slave, that was to save his family.  What about Moses?  A shepherd in exile because he was a murderer.  God chose him to lead Israel out of bondage and to the promise land.  Then Gideon, the fearful farmer hiding in a winepress in order to do his job.  He used Gideon to deliver Israel from Midian.  What about Jephthah?  His mother was a prostitute!!  However, God used him to deliver Israel from the Ammonites.  Hannah was "just a housewife" but was chosen to be the mother of Samuel.  David?  You know David--the shepherd boy and last-born in his family.  As the Ray Boltz song goes, "Where others see a shepherd boy; God may see a king."   Yep, David was Israel's greatest king.  Ezra was a scribe but lead the return to Judah and wrote some of the Bible!!  Esther was a slave girl but saved her people from massacre.  Oh, and then there was Mary.  Mary, the peasant girl, who became the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Matthew was a tax collector but called to be an apostle and Gospel writer.  Luke was a Greek physician but was a companion of Paul and also a Gospel writer.  And Peter.  Peter the fisherman.  Peter the disciple who denied Christ.  He was an apostle, a leader of the early church, and a writer of two New testament letters.  He was the rock.  "Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it"  Matthew 16:18.  And how many more "ordinary" people has God used?  Who am I to judge?  It is my prayer that things have changed in that particular school, and that everyone is considered worthy of a "seat at the table," especially the students that grace those doors each day and the teachers that do what they know is right.  

On a lighter note, the twins did great at their well-check.  They are healthy and doing well.  Nicholas has to go for a more extensive eye exam because he showed some signs of having trouble seeing the eye chart.  We'll be doing that soon.  Other than that, all was great today.  Here are a few pictures of my captivity in a room with two wild roosters.

John Ryan waiting with me while Nick got his hearing and eyes checked.

With Blake, I used to bring a Thomas train and draw a track on the paper exam table cover.  He would play with his train on my homemade track until the doctor arrived.  The twins use it to make a mural until Dr. Greenhouse comes to the room. 

John Ryan drew a picture of his teacher.

This is the dinosaur from "Toy Story" that was the theme of the room the Roosters were in today.

When the nurse walked in to do their finger pricks for their hemoglobin check, she asked who was going first and John Ryan immediately said, "Nick!  I always let him go first."  (NOT!)  I love the way John Ryan is checking out his own finger before it is his turn.  I think Nick even has a smile on his face.  Both Roosters did great.  I was very proud of them. 

I hope you have a great week and can find many things that put a smile on your face as big as the one on this turtle.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. ~ 1 Samuel 18:1

I've been out the blogging loop this week.  Not really sure what was going on with me, but every afternoon I would get couch-laying sick.  Felt like if I got up I would throw-up.  This weekend has been better and I'm hoping whatever I had has passed. 

Here are a few pictures of happenings in the lives of the Dew Crew.

Every afternoon the boys are famished.  The boys come home and immediately raid the kitchen or start making snack order requests.  This past week it has been PBJs, Goldfish and watermelon.  And let me say this, watermelon this time of year is NOT cheap.  Nicholas loves it. 

Nick and his favorite, expensive fruit.  I hope Publix continues to have it through the winter.  I can only imagine the cost.  Ugh!
Football again this week.  That #33 would belong to me.

Who says you can't pray at sporting events?  The guys pray on the field; The parents pray in the stands.

Nicholas and John Ryan going to get their hugs from Blake. 

I love this picture of Nick running to meet Blake.  I've dreamed of this moment for a long time.  Sweetness.
Blake and his fan club
The Colonel turns 46.

Just clowning around this evening...I don't think I'll get a picture without a tongue sticking out any time soon...Silly Roosters!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Week in Review

Fear not, for I am with you;  be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10 

The week has been what I guess is normal for my crew.  The small Roosters are still enjoying school.  Nick got selected to be on the morning news this past week.  He had to read a little spill about being responsible.  Ironic since he is the least responsible child I have.  Ha!  Blake had a by week in terms of football games which gave us a break from running Friday evening. 

Wednesday night I started my Fall Bible study on Gideon.  It's a large crowd but my friend Elizabeth is going with me so it will be great to spend some time with her. 

Yesterday I got Sister and we ran errands and picked up some things she needed.  (I haven't shared this, but Heidi is bi-polar and doesn't drive due to the medications she has to take.  I pick her up on the weekends so she can get out and I have more time to run errands with her.) Sister and I cooked supper and watched the Gamecocks play.  It wasn't a very interesting game.  The Alabama/A & M game was much better.  I heard the gentlemen behind me in church today talking about it. 

The weekends just roll by so quickly.  I don't feel like I ever get to rest.  Maybe things will slow down before the holidays are upon us.  Anyway, here are a few pictures from the week.

I must say that the dress I decided to wear to church today is one that looks a LOT better on the hanger.  It was really comfortable, but not one of my best on-line purchases.  I probably should have paid the shipping cost to return it.  Ha!

Our infamous after church pictures...My boys are getting tired of our photo shoots...Nicholas was sharing his opinion in this photo...
I'm still getting a few tomatoes off two bushes that haven't died yet.  They are little but still really good.

Saturday night football...Opening kick-off for the Gamecocks yesterday...
Sister decided on supper last night.  That ugly, orange rectangle is a Shake-n-Bake pork chop.  Blah.  I think I'll stick with frying them.

The Roosters wanted cookies, so I tried these turtle chocolate chip pop and bake ones.  They were too salty for me.  I think it was the caramel.

I think it is just the crisp in the air lately but for whatever reason I have been craving pumpkin.  I baked a pumpkin pie last weekend, and yesterday I made pumpkin bars.  My grandmother is probably in heaven shaking her head because when I was a child I wouldn't touch anything made with pumpkin. 

Okay, so you know everything tastes better with a little sweet added to it.  I decided to cover my bars with cream cheese frosting.  Yummy! 

And this is what my house smells like right now!  I don't care for the summer fragrances, but I stock up when the Fall candles hit the shelves.
So, I am off to buy groceries since I wasn't in the mood to get that done yesterday.  I should probably eat a little something first, as going to the grocery store on a half empty stomach is not a wise decision.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Mandisa - Overcomer (Lyric Video)

If you have not listened to this song or anything by this artist, you are truly missing out.  This is my favorite Christian song right now.  The words are so encouraging and just a reminder that God is more than enough to get us through whatever bend in the road we are facing.  Please take the time to listen to it.  Remember:  With God on our side, we are truly an overcomer!!


For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Luke 12: 34

I was thinking today that one thing, among thousands, of changes in education that have taken place since I started teaching 25 (YIKES) years ago is definitely the children--mainly their attention spans.  I kid you not, kids today have the attention span of a gnat.  I start teaching a lesson and have to stop to refocus this student or that one usually because of trinkets they have either brought to school or worn as accessories.  I opened my "May Drawer" today and noticed that after only two months in school, it is getting rather full.  (My May Drawer is the drawer I keep treasures I collect from students that interfere with their learning.  I give the treasures back in May, thus the name May Drawer.) 

These are the treasures I have collected since the beginning of school.  The broken, white eraser was being gnawed on by a student during social studies.  The purple beads, that I got off a male student, were being twirled around his finger to be hurled through the air any minute I'm sure.  There is a pencil sharpener in that pile that I am sure is dull due to the fact that the owner sharpened a pencil until it was so sharp it could have been used for an ice pick.  (What is the fascination with a manual pencil sharpener?  My students would grind pencils all day if I let them.  Drives me nuts!)  I wouldn't have taken the cross necklace if it wasn't for the fact that the student would not stop chewing on it.  Yes, those are Lego's on the left.  Why is a fourth grader bringing Lego's to school and playing with them?  Who knows!  And I must let you know that I have acquired a talent for walking by a student and taking his/her treasure without missing a beat in my lesson.  I don't have to say a word.  All I do is walk to the student, turn my palm upward and into my hand goes the treasure. 
 I found this treasure on my keyboard this AM when I arrived at school.  It's little things like this that just make me smile.  (Of course, then I look at the note and notice the capital "B" in the word "best" in the middle of the sentence and think "Yeah, I'm doing a great job with ELA."  Ugh!  However, credit is given for it being a complete sentence with a capital letter at the beginning and the correct punctuation at the end.)
And these are a few of my treasures I find when I get home every afternoon.
Yes, even this stinky teenager is a treasure.  He is a good egg for which I am very thankful.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil. ~ Proverbs 4: 25-27

Busy week for the crew.  We were supposed to go camping at the beach for Labor Day, but the big Rooster had football practice so we just scratched that plan and decided to stay home and do nothing.  That was a good thing actually.  Monday I got to take a nap!  Oh, the joy of just falling asleep on the couch and drooling without anyone calling my name.  Sigh.  Then Tuesday came and it was off to work and school for everyone.  I had Family Fitness Night in "The Forest" Thursday and took pictures of all the events going on in various locations throughout the school.  I think the Forest family enjoyed themselves more so than the parents.  Blake went with the football team down to Beaufort/Bluffton Friday for a field study and then the game that night.  The Falcons lost in overtime and Blake didn't make it home until 2:00 AM.  He was exhausted.  Thank goodness for a shorter week and the weekend.

This is a shot of John Ryan at Family Fitness Night in the Forest.  He went with me while Nick opted to go to the ballgame with the Colonel and Blake Thursday night.

Yesterday, we watched USC get beat by Georgia.  (Sadness)  I love the Gamecocks, but I must say that I enjoyed watching Georgia out play us because they certainly did.  Someone definitely did their homework and it paid off.  I told Blake it looked like coaches and players studied some South Carolina film and made a game plan that showed it.  I also noticed that Georgia seemed to count on everyone to pull off the win.  I think USC is putting too much focus on a few really great players and not the entire team as a whole.  Maybe it is the fans or broadcasters that do it, but it also looks like only a few are carrying the load. The Bulldogs played a great game yesterday and deserved that win.  It was a good game, and the best team (at least yesterday) won the victory wreath. 

This is what Nick thought of the game.  He so needed that nap.  He was as ill as a hornet.
Dreaming of a Gamecock win

John Ryan watching his own thing on his laptop.  I actually think he was watching a YouTube video on how to beat one of the levels on Mario.
Before the game, Sister and I had to run by WalMart.  The boys were trying out the Wii U.  They already have this on their CHRISTmas list.  What is the difference between the new and the old?  I have no clue.  I have never really seen the fascination with video games.  I get bored with them.  I'll play for maybe--maybe--ten minutes but after that I am done.  I just don't get it.  Give me a book or an HGTV "House Hunting" series.
This was game day dinner for the Dew Crew--Chicken bog, baby lima beans and biscuits.  OMG!  I love chicken bog.  (If my friend is reading this that I still owe a plate of chicken bog to, please know that I have not forgotten you.  However, this is what it looks like!)
And these are a few of our after church pictures today.  My John Ryan being silly.

My Nick eating lunch--red velvet cake.  Yes, I am that kind of mother that I allow my children to eat dessert first. 

And this is the picture of me today.  HA!  Nick was supposed to be taking a picture of John Ryan and me but was being silly so I was getting my phone back from him.  My hand looks like it belongs on that show "Walking Dead". 

Thursday in class, we were reading a piece of informational text about seasons and how they add variety to our lives and keep us from being bored.  I had one of those "wow" moments when I realized that even as God created the universe, He must have been thinking of His children and our needs.  I wonder if maybe God created the seasons so we could enjoy His creation daily.  He cared and loved us enough to think of our needs even in the creation of His world. 
And as much as I love to go bare-footed and eat a tomato sandwich that is the best only in the summer, I must say that I am ready for a chill in the air and the smell of Autumn leaves.  I pray that I am not so busy that I can't enjoy the change in the seasons that God planned for His children.  We should all be so thankful and grateful for a God that loves us so much--much more than we are or ever will be capable of understanding.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fall Fashion 2013

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. ~ 2 Timothy 4: 2-4
Since today was Labor Day and I didn't have to teach, I got the chance to watch the Today Show.  The ladies were showing upcoming Fall trends.  I thought I would find the top ten online and give my two-cents worth on them.  Please keep in mind that I really have no sense of fashion.  I can copy looks, but I am not one that can throw things together especially trendy looks.  I am a more traditional/classic dresser.

1. Capes

I could probably handle a cape, but I'm thinking they would get in the way when it comes to dragging all my stuff in and out of school.  I might want to rethink this look.

2. Academically-Inspired

I like button-up shirts with sweaters but only for school.  However, I do like the gingham button-ups for a more girlie look.

3. Over-The-Thigh Boots

I really like these boots but at 46 I have to be careful about not trying to look 26.  On the today show, they had them pared with leggins and a button-up with cardigan.  It looked boring.

4. ‘60s Mod

Fashion article said the 60's Mod look was a spin-off of the Twiggy dresses.  Since plaid is a big, does that mean that they will come in plaid.

5. Pleated Skirts

I don't need anything to make me look wider.  I think I'll stick to my pencil skirts.

6. Hats

No, No, No, and No.  I don't do hats except at Halloween.

7. Menswear Fabrics

Not my favorite, but I will admit that I have two skirt suits with men inspired fabrics and a couple of pairs of slacks.  How many times have I worn the skirt suits?  NONE!  Maybe this year.

8. Emerald Green

I love this color! I am seeing a closet full of green this year.

9. Oversized Coats

Yeah, these will look really good on my short self--NOT!  Okay, so I am rethinking the cape yet again. 

10. Leather (Not Just Accessories)

Love, love, love, love, love, love leather!!!  At the CAbi show I attended last week, fleather was big in her collect.  (faux-leather)  It is a little more affordable, but let's face it, nothing can take the place of real leather.  MMMMmmmm!
I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day.  This is what the Roosters did most of the day:
They spent their day playing on the computer and Wii.  Oh, and notice no more ugly, dirty den rug.  I found one I liked Sunday afternoon.  The Colonel and Big Rooster rolled it out for me and the den looks 100% better.