Sunday, November 17, 2013

Our Week

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.  Romans 5:5

It has been just me and the children this week as the Colonel has been in Colombia South America.  My friend and neighbor, Elizabeth, took the Littles to school for me and Sister spent the week with me.  I feel like I spent my entire week trying to stay on top of everything around the house, at school and with the kids.  The Colonel is usually the one who reminds me of what needs to be done. It's that military focus.  I have it not.  We survived the week.

Yesterday I cooked a roast and watched our Gamecocks beat Florida.  It looks like we may have a shot at the championship if a few things fall into place over the next two weeks.  As much as I love the Gamecocks, the best game was Georgia and Auburn.  What an amazing finish with Auburn defeating Georgia in the last few seconds.  The only reason I am relishing Georgia's defeat is because it was needed to help South Carolina advance.  I usually pull for Georgia except when they play Carolina.  

Church was wonderful today.  In Sunday school, Alberta shared a brief part of her testimony on God's kindness during the loss of her seven week old son James. You know that Alberta (Mrs. Stewart) is an amazing kindergarten teacher and more than a wonderful friend.  However, she is also a gift from God.  I mean that with all sincerity.  God knows exactly what we need in all areas of our lives and gives to His children in abundance.  God gave my family Alberta because we need her.  She has been such a role model for me as a mother, a teacher and most importantly as a woman of faith.  Mr. Stewart (He is my Sunday school teacher, so I find it hard to call him "Ed".) and Alberta have what I call "Jesus hearts".  They have this joy and love for others that you just know comes from their love for Jesus Christ.  They are such genuine people.  I just love them.  Alberta's testimony just fit so perfectly with Dr. Lincoln's sermon on hope.  I look forward to Sunday all week long.  

The big rooster, Blake, has wrapped up football season and has started wrestling. I am glad he is involved in sports as I truly feel it helps guys stay out of trouble. However, I just can not go to his matches.  There is just something so wrong about me sitting in the stands watching someone body slam my child.  I can't do it.  I just don't trust myself not to march into that circle and tell Blake's opponent that if he touches my son again I will break his legs!  So, I listen to his wrestling adventures when Blake returns home (after his shower, of course).

And here are a few pictures from the week...

This past week my students had to take a benchmark test.  It is not a secure test.  This is what one of my students put for an answer.  His mother nor I were amused.

I went shopping this week online.  I have fallen in love with shopping online.  I don't shop often, but I what girl doesn't love a good sale.  Oh, the sales I found this week!!  Dresses, skirts, pants, sweaters, and boots!  

I hope your week is filled with the love of good friends and hope in Jesus Christ!

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