Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. ~ Psalm 119:105
"Is not my word like fire,” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" ~ Jeremiah 23:29
I am doing a Bible study on my own because the winter Bible study at church has not started yet. One of the questions asked in the study this week was "Do you fear what it might take for you to "see" God in your life? Now normally I would answer "no" to that question; however, this question was asked in the context of Job 42:5. ("I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You." You remember Job, right? He was the "blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil {man}" Job 1:1. He had a more than comfortable life protected by God yet the Lord allowed satan to attack Job. And when the devil attacked, he gave it 100%, didn't he? Invaders attacked Job's fields, took his oxen and killed his servants. A fire burned up his sheep and killed even more servants. Job's camels were raided. A tornado struck the house where his children were eating and all were killed. Then Job's health was so bad that even his friends didn't recognize him (Job 2:12). Job's skin was covered with boils that he went to sit in an ash heap to try to get relief. Why would God allow this to happen to Job? The blameless, upright, God fearing man? Job answers the question for us: "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You." Job 42:5 After everything that happened to Job, his "wilderness" allowed Job to have a deeper, personal experience with God. So, back to my study question: Do you fear what it might take for you to "see" God in your life? How did I answer that? I have to be honest. I answered, "Yes." I honestly said to myself, "Surely, there is a better route to seeing God than walking through the wilderness?" THEN, I started thinking about the wilderness. Oh, the wilderness! The forty years of wandering in the wilderness for God's people. Whew!
Have you ever given thought to the route God chose for Israel when He delivered them from Egypt? In Exodus 13: 17, the Bible says that "God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near..." That last part made me stop and reread it: EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEAR. I don't know about you, but when I use my GPS, I almost always tap the icon that reads "fastest route". I never really gave much thought to this verse because the Bible tells us why God chose this route ("for God said, 'The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.'") A sit and think moment for yours truly. Ah, so here is yet another example of how our God sees the entire picture and we only have a snippet. Our decisions are based on the snippet we see and understand; God's decisions are based on the entire picture and His love for us. I know that even though I don't understand the way God chooses (or even agree with His way if I am perfectly honest), I do know His way is always the right way. I am trying to learn and repeat confidently, "He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake" (Psalm 23:3) and pray boldly, "Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truths and teach me" (Psalm 25: 4-5) I have not yet arrived at boldly praying that prayer. I sort of squeak it out with an addendum--"but, please God, don't let it take me down THAT road." (I am being honest here, remember?)
Then I started thinking about how God led the Jews out of Egypt. He was visible. By day, God guided His people by a column of cloud and a pillar of fire by night. When the pillars moved, God's people moved. When the pillars stopped, God's people stopped. But is the only thing the pillars did was guide the people? Nope. The cloud pillar PROTECTED the people from the hot sun as they journeyed. The fire gave light to the Jews BUT was darkness to the Egyptians (Exodus 14:20). Sure would be easier to follow God if we had a cloud to see and a fire to follow, right? But we do, don't we? HIS WORD. Thus the reason for the two scriptures that opened this post today. His Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. His Word is a fire that breaks rocks!
Okay, back to the "long way home." There was also another reason why God chose the "long way". Remember that Pharaoh decided that he made a mistake by allowing the Jews to go free and decided to go get them. However, the path that the Jews were taking led Pharaoh to believe that the Israelites were just lost and roaming aimlessly in the wilderness. Fair game, right? Afraid not. More like just another part of GOD'S PLAN. What the Egyptian's thought would be an easy victory for them ended up being a major (understatement but my vocabulary is limited-ha) defeat--a defeat where God would get all the glory. (You remember--God opens the Red Sea. Jews walk across on dry land. Rain [Psalm 77:16-20] behind them made the path muddy for the Egyptians and THEN God rolled the waters over them and ALL the soldiers were drowned.) So what did the Israelites have to do to defeat their enemy this time? Absolutely nothing BUT follow God. God did it all. Sometimes the battle plan is two-fold: What we are to do and what God is going to do. In this case, the Israelites just had to keep walking and the "Egyptians shall know that I (God) am the Lord" (14:18)! Their deliverance was the act OF God, but it was accomplished through their obedience TO God.
Yep, the dry and dusty wilderness that Israel saw as they camped at Etham certainly looked like an uncomfortable journey ahead for them I am sure. However, we need to remember that the Lord chose this path because HE saw the entire picture. We also need to remember that God can see the end result of the path He has chosen for each of us. We need to meditate on His Word. Psalm 145: 17 tells us, "The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds." We can trust that God loves us enough to allow things in our lives that are only necessary to bring us closer to an abundant relationship with Him. He not only wants us to "hear" how much He loves us, but also to "see" how much He loves us. "No matter where God takes us, our greater good is always on His heart." (Shirer) It is the reason and purpose for all our wilderness journeys.
So, am I still fearful of the places God may take me so that I may "see" Him? Honestly, yes. However, I am praying for God to constantly remind me of His great love for me. For fear and faith can't live together in the same heart. I read where "true faith depends on what God says, not on what we see or how we feel." It has been also been said that "faith is not believing in spite of evidence--that's superstition--but obeying in spite of consequence."
Remember, we don't have to figure out the wilderness; We just have to trust God through it and remember Psalm 145: 17 ~ "The Lord is righteous in ALL His ways and kind in ALL His deeds." Let's ask God to work on our fear by showing us His love. Maybe the best place to see and remember His love is by falling on our knees at the cross. (John 3:16)
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Days in Pictures
Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! ~ 2 Corinthians 9:15
The past couple of days in pictures.
The past couple of days in pictures.
Nick brings his train pillow into my room and wants to know if he can sleep in my bed. Now look at that adorable face. There is no way I could ever say no to that sweetness.
I bought this bread machine about a year ago. I am a total bread freak. I LOVE bread. I haven't used it in a while, so I pulled it out last week and got busy on making some bread.
This bread cookbook got it right. I have tried several different recipes and none of them went wrong. LOVE this book.
No, I didn't make this, but I certainly ate the entire thing sitting in my Suburban in the parking lot of Duncan Donuts.
My new favorite smell for the Fall.
Not only do I have Legos all over my den floor, but now I have them climbing up my fireplace.
I pulled out my driveway one morning and this was the first thing I saw. Picture is horrible, but the sunrise was beautiful.
A corner of my den
I thought the scripture for the Letter D was most appropriate for my Roosters. Ha!
Ernie our elf showed up yesterday...One year I caught the Roosters shooting Ernie with their Nerf guns after they realized Ernie was hanging around to report all behaviors to Santa.
The big Rooster hanging out with the little clucks.
FOOD! Where are the greens? Um, I don't like them. Blah.
The little clucks hanging with the big rooster in his room. I rarely go down to Blake's room b/c it is scary! Notice the sofa cover half on and half off his sofa. Oh, and yes, those are sports goggles that the big rooster is wearing. He lost, yet again, his glasses and doesn't wear his contacts all the time. When he doesn't want to put in his contacts, he can be found looking like this. I will be so glad when his glasses are in. He actually wore these things to drive today. I died laughing at him, and he said, "I wear them b/c I have a fast car." (ROTFLOL--He has a Toyota Corolla. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't think speed is an issue.)
Thursday, November 28, 2013
My Shallow Side
Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, ~ Hebrews 12: 28
My shallow side has been showing itself lately. I thought I might share it. I've never been a member of the fashion police or the trendy girl in the crowd. I enjoy being comfortable which means jeans, t-shirts, shorts, sweats, flops or no shoes period. However, I will admit that I have somehow acquired a taste to be more "aware" of fashion. I honestly think I can blame this on my friend Gwen. (Gwen, if you are reading this, my dwindling checkbook is all your fault.) Even now when I buy something I like and don't really know what to wear with it, I will Google images or call Gwen. She just has that gift of knowing what looks good and knowing how to put outfits together that don't make one feel, look or act like a frumpy, old woman. I hate frump (Well, except while I'm chasing kids around the house. At home, I am all about comfort and just finding something clean to wear.) However, there are times when I enjoy dressing up. I am also all about a good sale. I very rarely buy anything that is not on sale. I just don't think the mark-up in clothing prices is worth it. Here are a few purchases I've made lately b/c I just couldn't pass up a bargain.
My shallow side has been showing itself lately. I thought I might share it. I've never been a member of the fashion police or the trendy girl in the crowd. I enjoy being comfortable which means jeans, t-shirts, shorts, sweats, flops or no shoes period. However, I will admit that I have somehow acquired a taste to be more "aware" of fashion. I honestly think I can blame this on my friend Gwen. (Gwen, if you are reading this, my dwindling checkbook is all your fault.) Even now when I buy something I like and don't really know what to wear with it, I will Google images or call Gwen. She just has that gift of knowing what looks good and knowing how to put outfits together that don't make one feel, look or act like a frumpy, old woman. I hate frump (Well, except while I'm chasing kids around the house. At home, I am all about comfort and just finding something clean to wear.) However, there are times when I enjoy dressing up. I am also all about a good sale. I very rarely buy anything that is not on sale. I just don't think the mark-up in clothing prices is worth it. Here are a few purchases I've made lately b/c I just couldn't pass up a bargain.
Just a little sparkle for the Christmas season.
A little more sparkle...I am thinking this might be my little "something" to wear to the Singing Christmas tree service at church...
Super deals I just couldn't pass up...That first sweater I found at the Loft and it is sooooo soft...
And the Roosters and I did some coloring in the den yesterday after we finally got the floor devoid of Legos.
Thanksgiving pictures to come soon.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Our Week
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. Romans 5:5
It has been just me and the children this week as the Colonel has been in Colombia South America. My friend and neighbor, Elizabeth, took the Littles to school for me and Sister spent the week with me. I feel like I spent my entire week trying to stay on top of everything around the house, at school and with the kids. The Colonel is usually the one who reminds me of what needs to be done. It's that military focus. I have it not. We survived the week.
Yesterday I cooked a roast and watched our Gamecocks beat Florida. It looks like we may have a shot at the championship if a few things fall into place over the next two weeks. As much as I love the Gamecocks, the best game was Georgia and Auburn. What an amazing finish with Auburn defeating Georgia in the last few seconds. The only reason I am relishing Georgia's defeat is because it was needed to help South Carolina advance. I usually pull for Georgia except when they play Carolina.
Church was wonderful today. In Sunday school, Alberta shared a brief part of her testimony on God's kindness during the loss of her seven week old son James. You know that Alberta (Mrs. Stewart) is an amazing kindergarten teacher and more than a wonderful friend. However, she is also a gift from God. I mean that with all sincerity. God knows exactly what we need in all areas of our lives and gives to His children in abundance. God gave my family Alberta because we need her. She has been such a role model for me as a mother, a teacher and most importantly as a woman of faith. Mr. Stewart (He is my Sunday school teacher, so I find it hard to call him "Ed".) and Alberta have what I call "Jesus hearts". They have this joy and love for others that you just know comes from their love for Jesus Christ. They are such genuine people. I just love them. Alberta's testimony just fit so perfectly with Dr. Lincoln's sermon on hope. I look forward to Sunday all week long.
The big rooster, Blake, has wrapped up football season and has started wrestling. I am glad he is involved in sports as I truly feel it helps guys stay out of trouble. However, I just can not go to his matches. There is just something so wrong about me sitting in the stands watching someone body slam my child. I can't do it. I just don't trust myself not to march into that circle and tell Blake's opponent that if he touches my son again I will break his legs! So, I listen to his wrestling adventures when Blake returns home (after his shower, of course).
And here are a few pictures from the week...
It has been just me and the children this week as the Colonel has been in Colombia South America. My friend and neighbor, Elizabeth, took the Littles to school for me and Sister spent the week with me. I feel like I spent my entire week trying to stay on top of everything around the house, at school and with the kids. The Colonel is usually the one who reminds me of what needs to be done. It's that military focus. I have it not. We survived the week.
Yesterday I cooked a roast and watched our Gamecocks beat Florida. It looks like we may have a shot at the championship if a few things fall into place over the next two weeks. As much as I love the Gamecocks, the best game was Georgia and Auburn. What an amazing finish with Auburn defeating Georgia in the last few seconds. The only reason I am relishing Georgia's defeat is because it was needed to help South Carolina advance. I usually pull for Georgia except when they play Carolina.
Church was wonderful today. In Sunday school, Alberta shared a brief part of her testimony on God's kindness during the loss of her seven week old son James. You know that Alberta (Mrs. Stewart) is an amazing kindergarten teacher and more than a wonderful friend. However, she is also a gift from God. I mean that with all sincerity. God knows exactly what we need in all areas of our lives and gives to His children in abundance. God gave my family Alberta because we need her. She has been such a role model for me as a mother, a teacher and most importantly as a woman of faith. Mr. Stewart (He is my Sunday school teacher, so I find it hard to call him "Ed".) and Alberta have what I call "Jesus hearts". They have this joy and love for others that you just know comes from their love for Jesus Christ. They are such genuine people. I just love them. Alberta's testimony just fit so perfectly with Dr. Lincoln's sermon on hope. I look forward to Sunday all week long.
The big rooster, Blake, has wrapped up football season and has started wrestling. I am glad he is involved in sports as I truly feel it helps guys stay out of trouble. However, I just can not go to his matches. There is just something so wrong about me sitting in the stands watching someone body slam my child. I can't do it. I just don't trust myself not to march into that circle and tell Blake's opponent that if he touches my son again I will break his legs! So, I listen to his wrestling adventures when Blake returns home (after his shower, of course).
And here are a few pictures from the week...
This past week my students had to take a benchmark test. It is not a secure test. This is what one of my students put for an answer. His mother nor I were amused.
I went shopping this week online. I have fallen in love with shopping online. I don't shop often, but I what girl doesn't love a good sale. Oh, the sales I found this week!! Dresses, skirts, pants, sweaters, and boots!
I hope your week is filled with the love of good friends and hope in Jesus Christ!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
With? For? Why not both?
"I'm asking God for one thing, only one thing: To live with Him in His house my whole life long. I'll contemplate His beauty; I'll study at His feet." Psalm 27:4 (The Message)
The scripture for today that went along with my devotional passage was Psalm 27:4 written above. I started thinking about the section of the verse that said "to live with Him in His house". Don't we all want that? To know that after we leave this life, we have a glorious one with Jesus forever? So, we want to live WITH Jesus forever, but what about our time here on earth? Do we want to live FOR Him while we are here? The main idea of the lesson this morning was depending on God and realizing that our well-being and security lie with Him not in the things of this world. It was trying to get me to see that living FOR Jesus is what I should be striving for each and every day. Do I? Do you?
If you have been reading this blog, you have heard me say that my form of worship is linked closely to singing. (You also know that I can't sing, but I do love music--LOVE it.) So, naturally while I was reflecting on Psalm 27: 4 and asking myself the hard questions, the song "Living for Jesus" started "playing" in my head. While I can't sing worth a lick, I do manage to pluck out a few songs on the "plano" (as Nick calls it). The words to that particular song just seem to be a good match for today's scripture and the devotion's big idea. I've attached the words to the song below in case you haven't heard it.
Living for Jesus a life that is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.
Living for Jesus who died in my place,
Bearing on Calv’ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.
Living for Jesus wherever I am,
Doing each duty in His holy name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross.
Living for Jesus through earth’s little while,
My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.
So, while I want to live WITH Jesus, am I living FOR Him now? I started asking myself "what does it really mean for me to be sold out for Jesus?" What things am I putting before Him? What is above Him on my "to do list" or my "needs" list? Am I thinking about what living FOR Him might really mean? I'm not really big on hardship and uncertainty, and Jesus tells us we will have those kind of times. But, here again, I can learn from Paul. In this verse {15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” (Acts 9: 15-16)}, Jesus says He is going to SHOW Paul what he will have to endure before Paul even begins his work for Jesus. Paul knew the cost up front. Would it behoove me to just get beyond what the cost "may be" for I really know not? Wouldn't it be so much better if I followed Paul's lead and just said "whatever my lot" (you know the song) I realize I have been chosen for a unique purpose in God's plan? And God's plans and purposes haven't changed. My faithfulness is not judged against my friends' callings or my neighbors' callings, but against my own calling. Am I going to trust Christ and live FOR Him now no matter the cost? Yes, I want to be WITH Him, so will I live FOR Him? Am I willing to do BOTH? Are you?
The scripture for today that went along with my devotional passage was Psalm 27:4 written above. I started thinking about the section of the verse that said "to live with Him in His house". Don't we all want that? To know that after we leave this life, we have a glorious one with Jesus forever? So, we want to live WITH Jesus forever, but what about our time here on earth? Do we want to live FOR Him while we are here? The main idea of the lesson this morning was depending on God and realizing that our well-being and security lie with Him not in the things of this world. It was trying to get me to see that living FOR Jesus is what I should be striving for each and every day. Do I? Do you?
If you have been reading this blog, you have heard me say that my form of worship is linked closely to singing. (You also know that I can't sing, but I do love music--LOVE it.) So, naturally while I was reflecting on Psalm 27: 4 and asking myself the hard questions, the song "Living for Jesus" started "playing" in my head. While I can't sing worth a lick, I do manage to pluck out a few songs on the "plano" (as Nick calls it). The words to that particular song just seem to be a good match for today's scripture and the devotion's big idea. I've attached the words to the song below in case you haven't heard it.
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.
- O Jesus, Lord and Savior,
I give myself to Thee,
For Thou, in Thy [redemption],*
Didst give Thyself for me;
I own no other Master,
My heart shall be Thy throne,
My life I give, henceforth to live,
O Christ, for Thee alone.
Bearing on Calv’ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.
Doing each duty in His holy name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross.
My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.
The Compilers prefer that the New Testament word, “redemption,” be used and sung instead of “atonement.”
Source:, while I want to live WITH Jesus, am I living FOR Him now? I started asking myself "what does it really mean for me to be sold out for Jesus?" What things am I putting before Him? What is above Him on my "to do list" or my "needs" list? Am I thinking about what living FOR Him might really mean? I'm not really big on hardship and uncertainty, and Jesus tells us we will have those kind of times. But, here again, I can learn from Paul. In this verse {15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” (Acts 9: 15-16)}, Jesus says He is going to SHOW Paul what he will have to endure before Paul even begins his work for Jesus. Paul knew the cost up front. Would it behoove me to just get beyond what the cost "may be" for I really know not? Wouldn't it be so much better if I followed Paul's lead and just said "whatever my lot" (you know the song) I realize I have been chosen for a unique purpose in God's plan? And God's plans and purposes haven't changed. My faithfulness is not judged against my friends' callings or my neighbors' callings, but against my own calling. Am I going to trust Christ and live FOR Him now no matter the cost? Yes, I want to be WITH Him, so will I live FOR Him? Am I willing to do BOTH? Are you?
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
31-39 So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:
They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. ~ Romans 8: 38-39 (The Message)
Do you ever get caught up in your circumstances? Do you ever feel that the "bad" circumstances that come your way are somehow directly related to the quality of life you have? I definitely correlate my happiness with my circumstances a good bit of the time. If things are rolling along and everything and everyone are in sync then I am one happy mom. However, you let some interruption or less than desirable event walk its way onto my life's stage, and I definitely find myself falling into that pit of frustration and maybe even sadness. Then what do I do? I start pouring all my energy and time into trying to fix the situation or control it. However, Jesus tells us over and over and over again that our happiness and contentedness (Is that a word?) should not depend on our circumstances but on Him and His promises.
Ah, so there is the answer to my problem--I need to remember to focus on Christ rather than my circumstances!! I was thinking about Paul when he was writing to the Philippians. Now he had a lot of reasons to be frustrated, worried, despondent, depressed, angry, etc. Paul was wrongly imprisoned. He was chained to a Roman solider all the time and threatened with execution. But what did he do? He continued to praise God and spread the message. (I love that song by Ray Boltz entitled "I Will Praise the Lord!" Boltz sings it as if he were Paul talking to Silas while in prison. Awesome song.) I read where in the book of Philippians, which is only 104 verses long, the name of Jesus is mentioned FIFTY-FIVE TIMES! And the focus is where? On Jesus! In Philippians 1:21 it says "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Paul realized that no matter the outcome of his circumstances, he would win! If he was set free, he would continue to preach. If he was killed, he would be with Christ! He was a winner no matter what. He was even winning for Christ while in prison. He was able to witness to the Praetorian Guard and the Roman soldiers. Do my circumstances allow me opportunities to share Jesus that I would have had if I weren't in the midst of my current circumstances?
So why must I endure bad circumstances? Oh, how often have I asked that question? I've come to learn (but honestly not always practice what I have learned) that a better question is "What does God want me to learn?" God doesn't cause the negative circumstances, but He does allow them so that we can become closer to Him and learn to depend upon Him for and through all things. We can always, always, always trust that God is working in our lives for good. (Philipians 2:13 and Romans 8:28) We can always, always, always trust that God is with us and knows our needs. Proverbs 15:3 says that His eyes are in every place. God knows our circumstances and knows what our needs are while we are induring circumstances. He also knows how He is going to work it all for good. We have to trust that God loves us more than we are capable of understanding. God doesn't just "have" love; God IS love.
I'm writing this entry for me to remember that even when I feel the weight of the world upon me, I need to focus NOT on my circumstances but look upward and focus on God who loves me, wants to have a relationship with me and who created and controls all things in the universe. I need to remember Paul. He could have had a very long pity-party, but he chose to focus on Jesus Christ instead. No matter how difficult my circumstances, I can make the same decision Paul made. I can choose to look to Jesus. Where will you look?
Do you ever get caught up in your circumstances? Do you ever feel that the "bad" circumstances that come your way are somehow directly related to the quality of life you have? I definitely correlate my happiness with my circumstances a good bit of the time. If things are rolling along and everything and everyone are in sync then I am one happy mom. However, you let some interruption or less than desirable event walk its way onto my life's stage, and I definitely find myself falling into that pit of frustration and maybe even sadness. Then what do I do? I start pouring all my energy and time into trying to fix the situation or control it. However, Jesus tells us over and over and over again that our happiness and contentedness (Is that a word?) should not depend on our circumstances but on Him and His promises.
Ah, so there is the answer to my problem--I need to remember to focus on Christ rather than my circumstances!! I was thinking about Paul when he was writing to the Philippians. Now he had a lot of reasons to be frustrated, worried, despondent, depressed, angry, etc. Paul was wrongly imprisoned. He was chained to a Roman solider all the time and threatened with execution. But what did he do? He continued to praise God and spread the message. (I love that song by Ray Boltz entitled "I Will Praise the Lord!" Boltz sings it as if he were Paul talking to Silas while in prison. Awesome song.) I read where in the book of Philippians, which is only 104 verses long, the name of Jesus is mentioned FIFTY-FIVE TIMES! And the focus is where? On Jesus! In Philippians 1:21 it says "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Paul realized that no matter the outcome of his circumstances, he would win! If he was set free, he would continue to preach. If he was killed, he would be with Christ! He was a winner no matter what. He was even winning for Christ while in prison. He was able to witness to the Praetorian Guard and the Roman soldiers. Do my circumstances allow me opportunities to share Jesus that I would have had if I weren't in the midst of my current circumstances?
So why must I endure bad circumstances? Oh, how often have I asked that question? I've come to learn (but honestly not always practice what I have learned) that a better question is "What does God want me to learn?" God doesn't cause the negative circumstances, but He does allow them so that we can become closer to Him and learn to depend upon Him for and through all things. We can always, always, always trust that God is working in our lives for good. (Philipians 2:13 and Romans 8:28) We can always, always, always trust that God is with us and knows our needs. Proverbs 15:3 says that His eyes are in every place. God knows our circumstances and knows what our needs are while we are induring circumstances. He also knows how He is going to work it all for good. We have to trust that God loves us more than we are capable of understanding. God doesn't just "have" love; God IS love.
I'm writing this entry for me to remember that even when I feel the weight of the world upon me, I need to focus NOT on my circumstances but look upward and focus on God who loves me, wants to have a relationship with me and who created and controls all things in the universe. I need to remember Paul. He could have had a very long pity-party, but he chose to focus on Jesus Christ instead. No matter how difficult my circumstances, I can make the same decision Paul made. I can choose to look to Jesus. Where will you look?
Monday, November 4, 2013
"Now God has us where He wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all His idea, and all His work. All we do is trust Him enough to let Him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role!" Ephesians 2: 10 (The Message)
Last night was "Ladies Night Out" at Shandon. The evening began with wonderful fellowship and a delicious dinner--Shepherd's Pie! Yummy! The perfect meal for a chilly, Fall night. After dinner, we went into the worship center and heard a message from Amy Petersen.
Last night was "Ladies Night Out" at Shandon. The evening began with wonderful fellowship and a delicious dinner--Shepherd's Pie! Yummy! The perfect meal for a chilly, Fall night. After dinner, we went into the worship center and heard a message from Amy Petersen.
Amy focused on the scripture from 2 Samuel 9: 7-13 which is the story of how David kept his promise to his best friend Jonathan and restored to Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth, everything that belonged to Saul and his family. Amy used Mephibosheth's "label" of himself and from others to make her point. Mephibosheth called himself a "dead dog". He was also labeled a cripple b/c he was lame in both feet.
Amy asked us to fill in this blank "Hello, My name is ______." (Know the song by Matthew West? Great song.) While at church last night, I couldn't think of one label I put on myself. However, if you give satan any foothold, he'll take it and run with it. He got me while I was in the shower. That demon gave me a list of negative labels so long, I could have walked to Cuba on them. I was just in a funk the rest of the night. Why I didn't call on the power of God to help me defeat the evil one last night is beyond me. However, God is always, always, always faithful and knows exactly what we need. I was reminded of my Bible study on Gideon written by Shirer that nothing--NOTHING--reaches us that hasn't already filtered through God's hands. I realize I am right where God wants me to be. (I guess I should back up. I am in the middle of a battle.) I was also reminded that we MUST use spiritual weapons to fight spiritual battles.
So, just how do we fight spiritual battles. Shirer gave us five things to remember when we are in a battle:
1. Begin the Battle on your knees! (Romans 10:17 and Judges 7:15)
2. Face the Battle from a stance of victory. (Judges 7:16 focus on the words "has given"; Ephesians 2:10) Keep in mind that God's strategies often don't make sense to us. Think about Gideon's weapons: trumpets, empty jars and torches.
3. Advance in the Battle from YOUR assigned place. (Judges 7:16; Judges 7:21; 1 Corinthians 12; Judges 7:19) God told Gideon to divide the 300 into three groups of 100 and spread them around the Midianite camp. This spread the men so thin that they couldn't see the next man. Each man held his position. Now how would you feel in the dark, couldn't see your fellow soldier and your weapons were a trumpet, empty clay jar and a torch? But they remembered one other thing: they had God's promise of victory and so do we "if" we are in His will.
4. Approach the Battle at just the right time. (Judges 7:20)
5. You win the Battle by using the right weapons. (Judges 7:21-22)
Remember, we must use spiritual weapons to fight the enemy! There are two parts to a battle: What God calls us to do and what He will do. We have to make sure we stay in our lane. However, know that your part matters!!
And a few pictures from last night>>>
The wonderful Mrs. Stewart!! Notice that you do not see Shepherd's Pie in front of Alberta. She asked me to bring her an empty plate. Huh? Empty plate? She said, "You'll see." Who was I to argue with the most awesome kindergarten teacher EVER!?! (Not to mention a wonderful, loving friend!!)
You see, Alberta needed the empty plate because "she was packing" last night. LOL! She turned that plate of salad into a meal. She had chicken (a lot of it too), broccoli and cheese and constructed the best looking salad I've seen in a long time. I just love her!
I just got a shot of one side of the room. It was a big crowd.
I wish I would have gotten a better shot of Amy. She really was a good speaker and had a great message for women as we often identify ourselves by our labels.
I hope your week is a great one and try to remember that whatever reaches you (good or bad) has filtered through the hands of God. He's got you (and me)!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
A Long Time
"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out." ~ Proverbs 18:15
It seems when I try to write more; I write less. There has just been a lot going on with the crew. I have been battling some sickness on and off for days. It comes and goes. It is gone for now. HA! Let me see if I can catch up on happenings around here through pictures.
This is, of course, just me. I went to the dermatologist two weeks ago to have a place checked on my face. Doctor removed it and decided to take five other places off too. Haven't heard anything from them, so I am just waiting on those results to come back.
Alberta sang today. When she sings, it just makes worship better. (Smile) I'm so lucky to have her as a friend. What a treasure God sends us in friends.
The Roosters and I went shopping for their shoeboxes. I tried to keep the "joy" in the shopping, but it was certainly hard. We got it done and the boys were excited to place their box under the Christmas tree at church today. (John Ryan didn't want his picture taken.)
Our Gamecocks played a great game yesterday. This was our melting game day snack.
Halloween night brought fun and drama. We just trick-or-treat on our street. If you look at Nick's face, you can see his wound. He fell down the steps at one house and landed on his face. I had to bite my jaw to keep from laughing b/c of the way he fell. (I waited until I knew he was okay before I chuckled.)
This is our neighbor Gina. The boys voted her house the best house on the street both for decorations and for treats. She goes all out.
John Ryan and his loot. He was thrilled with all the Reese cups. It is his favorite candy.
The boys went trick-or-treating at John Ryan's teacher's house who lives two streets over. They both love each other's teachers. We are so thankful for Mrs. Lafitte and Mrs. Loman. They both have mighty big shoes to fill following Mrs. Stewart. :)
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